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View multiple forums as one


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Some boards have 100+ forums but I'm only interested in a few (let's say 9). I could check out each forum for new topics / posts, but it'd be nicer if selected forums were aggregated into one.

Could this be implemented?

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  • 1 month later...

Some boards have 100+ forums but I'm only interested in a few (let's say 9). I could check out each forum for new topics / posts, but it'd be nicer if selected forums were aggregated into one.Could this be implemented?

Sorry to break the news to you, but I'm not aware of any forum software that does what you're wanting.

The only other thing you can do is subscribe to whatever forums you're interested in.
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Some boards have 100+ forums but I'm only interested in a few (let's say 9). I could check out each forum for new topics / posts, but it'd be nicer if selected forums were aggregated into one.

Could this be implemented?

You can filter by category from the URL, by appending ?c=categoryID to the URL. For example here at IPS if you only wanted to see the category "IPS Client Services", you'd hit this URL: http://community.inv...ower.com/?c=307

You can also chain these together, like so: http://community.invisionpower.com/?c=307,451
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  • 4 weeks later...

That makes...absolutely no sense. LOL

Makes perfect sense. It's a rhetorical question asking why the fact that nobody else has done it should have anything to do with why IPS won't. I'm not saying I do or do not like the idea in general, but I agree with the OP's point that IPS should not base its decisions on what others are doing (not that they are).
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As eGullet has mentioned, this is possible with the 'Filter by Forum'.

As you don't appear to be satisfied with its 'user friendlieness', might I suggest you collect your feedback and put it together into a single concise post in this feedback forum with your suggestions for improvement?

Also, you can certainly create a topic in the modification request forum to see if any developers want to tackle this feature to make it suit your needs more closely.

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