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Edit history


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Here is one of the primary reasons I have difficulties giving users unrestricted access to edit posts.

If someone files an abuse report, but the user edits or changes something before I can review it, I'm left in the dark.

If a user claims a moderator is abusing his privliges by editing his posts in innaprorpiate ways, I'm left in the dark.

In general, editing a post is permanent and irrevocable. There's no way to go back and see what was edited.

I'd really love to see a feature or, heck, even an applicaton/hook for this. A simple new post moderation tool, "edit history."

A page that will let you see previous versions of a post, showing detailed information about when the post was edited, by who, even from what IP.

There is the obvious concern that this can increase database size on larger websites, but even with my current database exceeding 600MB, I still see this as a non-issue. My site in whole, downloads, attachments, and all, is nearly 200GB. This functinoality could easily be disabled by boards that don't want the extra overhead, but I still think it's less of an issue than many may think.

Edit: After further research, I found this thread also requesting this upgrade about a year back:

And I also found this hook for 3.2.x, will install and test to see how well it works in 3.3.x soon:

I still would like to revive this as a suggestion for integration into IP.Board core platform.

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I've installed and tested the above hook out a bit, and it seems to work great!

Very functional, and no obvious problems that I can see.

Edit: I recommend moving any discussion about this update to the following thread:

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I did a search for "Edit history" and found nothing, but I have a really bad habit of posting something before dedicating any serious research. I did a quick Google and found that already, I just editing in to my original post.

I still say this would be a very useful core feature though!

Something is definitely wrong with that search, lol
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