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Download: (EJ33) ad block Blocker

Poison Light

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File Name: (EJ33) Ad block Blocker
File Submitter: EdgarJ
File Submitted: 04 May 2012
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

With this hook you can show users who are using an ad blocker extension a message or you can block them and redirect them to an intructions page or deny page.

Tested with IE, Firefox, Chrome and Opera. (5 different ad blockers).


- Enable / Disable
- Popup Title
- Popup Message
- OK / NOT OK Button
- Redirect to a page (Instructions Message or Deny Message) / Only nag screen
- exclude specific groups
- Show the popup only one time in xx minutes

Leave a reply in the support topic if you have suggestions / ideas for the next version or if have found an undetected ad blocker.

(Note: The redirect option is disabled in the demo. It is just a nag screen!)

For the users who updating the hook. don't forget to overwrite the JS Files

Click here to download this file

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Hello, i have some questions
what happens when the user clicks the ok or not ok buttons?

lets say im a user with adblock, i see the popup message...if i press ok i see the instructions and if i click NO i will get a deny? can i also specify active users?

what if this is google bot or something like that?

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I have tested it with bots but i can make some extra script so the hook is disabled for bots.
If they press on the ok button they will redirected to a instructions page to turn it off, else they will redirected to a deny.
But if you want i can make some extra settings so its only a nag screen

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Few Suggestions:

1. Exception list - I know a few users who I'd like to be able to add manually to an exception list for this modification. - I think this one's very important.

2. Perhaps logging? Some form of feature that shows you which users are blocking adverts?

3. Have a setting so that Instead of showing the nag popup every time they visit, perhaps only show it once every hour, and for the rest of the time allow them to browse normally? I wouldn't want to give users a complete ultimatum of turn off adblock or leave, i'd just want to pester them every hour or so to turn it off.

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Also I have some conflict with the pop-out for notifications, PMs and profile on the top right on the pages.

They do not popout, a new page loads.

Which skin do you use? This is a jQuery problem but i added the jQuery noConflict.
Do you use other script on your site with jQuery?
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Hi, i dont want to make your life harder, but this is what i would like...not sure if its possible

Ok i think add the following things today:

- Hook automatic disabled for Bots

maybe with an ACP field where we could add user-agents/regex...

- Option to disable the redirect (So just a nag screen)

something like this maybe:

a message like the one from (IPT33) Validating Message 1.0.0


or this one from[VN32] Sticky Message 1.1

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Also I have some conflict with the pop-out for notifications, PMs and profile on the top right on the pages.

They do not popout, a new page loads.

Which skin do you use? This is a jQuery problem but i added the jQuery noConflict.

Do you use other script on your site with jQuery?

i had to disable it, same here
user profile drop down does not popup, it just take you to the profile...
IP.Content created drop-down menu also does the same...it wont drop down, just take you to the link of the main item

i just saw in the JS console "unterminated string..." in the message var... after a bit of playing i removed a carriage return from the popup message option and fixed all the problems...
surinp3, please check that
i will try to reproduce again and see if it crashes again... and post the failing code
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unterminated string literal

Line 1563

'message'	: 'Hemos detectado que estás bloqueando las publicidades en tu navegad...

offending source:


'title' : 'Bloqueo de publicidad activo', 

'message' : 'Hemos detectado que estás bloqueando las publicidades en tu navegador 

Si deseas puedes ayudarnos desactivando esta funcion, ya nos mantenemos gracias a las ganancias de la publicidad. Gracias!!', 

'redirect' : '0', 

'buttons' : { 

to reproduce this, after "en tu navegador" y just placed a carriage return (enter) to make new line in the text displayed to the user...the fix to achieve the same was to use a BR tag instead of a normal carriage return

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