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Insert Link and Title in the Editor


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When you click on the insert link icon, it doesn't prompt you to enter a title for that link. Why remove that? It's going to be confusing to a lot of members. Not everyone knows how to manually type in a bbcode to enter a title. Also, why add a dropdown for link type? Seriously, when someone copies a link, 99% of the time it's going to be http.

This editor seems to have a lot of downsides. Another one is as pasting text and keep the formatting of it. Posts will look very inconsistent if people start copying and pasting text with different styles, sizes, etc. I don't understand why you guys make it harder for members.

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I agree about pasting of copied text. I've had a few problems with this. In my opinion the default paste mode should be to paste unformatted. This will stop me and my moderators having to edit posts where the text can't read on some skins.


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