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Problems when upgrading from IPB 3.1.4 to IPB 3.2.x


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Updated according to the instructions forum

After downloading all files, run a system update, open the file in your browser «/ admin / upgrade / index.php» your forum (for example: www.domain.com / forum / admin / upgrade / index.php). The system will update the necessary modules and rebuild your forum style templates.

Remember that in IP.Board 3.0 added / admin / path to run the system upgrade!

Upgrade is complete!

First upgrade to IPB 3.2.3 forum running, users went complaints can not go to the forum and avtorizovatsya.Pomogaet cleaning cucci , then you can go to the forum, but the transition to the topic gives an error (HTTP 500 Internal Server Error) means that the Web site encountered an internal error that prevents display the webpage.
Second time on the forum do not get. In the admin find myself with no problems.
I met someone with such and how to fix?


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