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Can I get these features on any IP.Board compatible chat room?


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There is a sounds toggle button in the IP.Chat interface.


I'm not sure what you are wanting to resize if it's not the popup window. If you want to resize your browser window, your browser gives you controls for that already. Or do you mean the chat scrollable area? If so, why do you need to resize this?

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I get a sound for new messages too.

My suggests for IP.Chat are:

• clickable usernames for easy insertion of username of other member
• changeable font colors (by users)
• changeable font size (by users)
• a indicator for typing - a small keypad that show that other user is writing (and not sleep)

I read that you (Brandon) don't like changeable colors and changeable font size, but my users are differently ;) (and they know AddonChat).

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An indicator for typing would be nearly pointless. Firstly, that would mean every keystroke would force a ping to be sent to the server which would probably produce much more traffic than the servers could handle, but setting that aside, Chat only checks for a new message once every few (2-3) seconds. By the time you saw the indicator on your end, the submitter probably would have already sent their chat, but then your chat instance wouldn't know that until the next time it checks.

IP.Chat is a browser-based chat solution using Javascript, HTML, etc. It is not going to function quite the same a computer program would, and can't quite accomplish all of the same things unfortunately (at least in a manner that is resource efficient). It is hard balancing these needs sometimes.

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  • 2 months later...

As I said in the tracker (and was directed to the feedback forum), my users primarily used chat to show each other current photos of their horses, and the cries on switching to IP.Chat were long and bitter, because IP.Chat doesn't support the img tag. Now my chat room is empty. Make it admin-controlled if necessary, but give us an option to use the img tag.

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