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Pagination for topic view in mobile skin

The Old Man

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I have just tried getting to the last page in a topic with 20 + pages using my Android phone and it was agony. The previous and next buttons are handy but there seems to be no option to jump to a specific or last Pagination.

Can something be added please?


  • 5 months later...


this feature is a must...really need it as quite a few of the topics on my site are over 20 pages long...members are going mad!


Replace the pagination in forum view with this

<span class='mini_pagination'>

                                    <foreach loop="pages:$data['pages'] as $page">

                                            <if test="haslastpage:|:$page['last']">

                                                <a href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}&amp;st={$page['st']}" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}" template="showtopic" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['topic_goto_page']} {$page['page']}'>{$page['page']} {$this->lang->words['_rarr']}</a>

                                            <else />

                                                <a href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}&amp;st={$page['st']}" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}" template="showtopic" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['topic_goto_page']} {$page['page']}'>{$page['page']}</a>




  • 2 months later...

Replace the pagination in forum view with this

<span class='mini_pagination'>

									<foreach loop="pages:$data['pages'] as $page">

											<if test="haslastpage:|:$page['last']">

												<a href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}&amp;st={$page['st']}" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}" template="showtopic" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['topic_goto_page']} {$page['page']}'>{$page['page']} {$this->lang->words['_rarr']}</a>

											<else />

												<a href="{parse url="showtopic={$data['tid']}&amp;st={$page['st']}" seotitle="{$data['title_seo']}" template="showtopic" base="public"}" title='{$this->lang->words['topic_goto_page']} {$page['page']}'>{$page['page']}</a>




Just to be clear you want us to replace: Look and Feel -> IP Board Mobile -> Global Template -> paginationTemplate?

<if test="haspages:|:$work['pages'] > 1">

<if test="prevpage:|:$work['current_page'] > 1">

  <a class="button page-button prev" href="{parse url="{$data['baseUrl']}&amp;{$data['startValueKey']}={parse expression="intval( $data['currentStartValue'] - $data['itemsPerPage'] )"}" base="{$data['base']}" seotitle="{$data['seoTitle']}" template="{$data['seoTemplate']}"}" title="{$this->lang->words['tpl_prev']}" rel='prev'>{$this->lang->words['_laquo']} {$this->lang->words['mob_prev']}</a>

<else />

  <a class="button page-button disabled prev" href="#">{$this->lang->words['_laquo']} {$this->lang->words['mob_prev']}</a>


<if test="nextpage:|:$work['current_page'] < $work['pages']">

  <a class="button page-button next" href="{parse url="{$data['baseUrl']}&amp;{$data['startValueKey']}={parse expression="intval( $data['currentStartValue'] + $data['itemsPerPage'] )"}" base="{$data['base']}" seotitle="{$data['seoTitle']}" template="{$data['seoTemplate']}"}" title="{$this->lang->words['tpl_next']}" rel='next'>{$this->lang->words['mob_next']} {$this->lang->words['_raquo']}</a>

<else />

  <a class="button page-button disabled next" href="#">{$this->lang->words['mob_next']} {$this->lang->words['_raquo']}</a>



I did try that but it didnt work, and I didnt find "pagination" in the forum view. Perhaps this is for 3.2? I am running 3.3

Any insight would be appreciated. Thanks.


No, this is for forum view > forumindextemplate search for

<span class='mini_pagination'>

It adds the 1 2 3 4 page numbers back into forum view as whenever you click a topic currently it just sends you to the newest post, no way of viewing the first page.

  • 4 months later...


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