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3.2.0 search isnt working very well...


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Fulltext search isnt working very good. Example: searched word "lähihoitaja". It gives 42 results with fulltext, 155 without it. With word "ensihoitaja", its 20/41.

Searched with word "hypotermia" (fulltext off). IPB found 4 results, google search found over 10 results, some of them in topics what IPB search didnt found.

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Same thing is happening for me.

It seems to only search thread titles unless you hit "Display Results as posts" even if you have Search in Content or Search in Titles and Content selected. Problem is on here and on my own board.

As an example on this forum if you search for Ireland you get one result which is a thread titled Northern Ireland.

If you go to advanced search and ensure you are searching for "titles and content" you still only get that one thread showing.

If you switch to displaying the results as posts instead of a topic list you get over 200 results from lots of different threads.

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IPB search has been horrible and ignorable .

Suggestion, maybe remove your attitude OR go away.. Every post you have made, has been negative and completely unproductive...Just because YOU do not understand software and how release and devolopment cycles actually work in web based applications/frameworks does not make the producer "horrible and ignorable" (What ever that even means) And that's comming from ME and Im sure Lindy can even vote for that one.

Back to the topic at hand.

On my site, if I search for something like "friendship" (and I'm looking at 3 topics containing the words/text strings that are fully public) I get 0 results

Is it possible during the upgrade some how search perms got muffed?
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Is it possible during the upgrade some how search perms got muffed?

Seems like it. Hopefully there's a fix in the offing: search is one of the most fundamental functions for a forum operation. No matter how good the new version is - and I think there are some quite substantial improvements - I'm not prepared to upgrade as long as search isn't working properly.
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No real complaints from any of my sites. You can always add a custom google search box and just restrict it to search you domain name(s). Thus, you can have two search engines running on each site.

My users complains. First: search engine is broken. Quick search searces only from topic subject, not message body. Advanced search doas same with default settings. Second, Google search doesnt search from member areas, does it.

Yes, i know fixed in 3.2.1, but its future release, it doesnt help me at all.


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No real complaints from any of my sites. You can always add a custom google search box and just restrict it to search you domain name(s). Thus, you can have two search engines running on each site.

That's an exceptionally imperfect solution. There are any number of reasons why a Google search box is inadequate, starting with the fact that it looks ugly and the search results are non-customisable, not to mention the fact that having multiple search systems that behave in different ways degrades the user experience.

But good to see at least that this issue is being fixed up for 3.2.1.
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There was a bug that wasn't caught in the betas. It was reported after release. We have fixed it for the next version.

This is standard operating procedure in the software world.

Yes, like i sayd, i can blame myself. This was last time i use x.x.0 release in IPB. Its beta testing. It was that in 3.1.0, it is that now. Live and learn :)

I didn't say google was perfect or a replacement - however, it's an option that we have been using for years. It's especially effective if you want to search across multiple domains.

Yes, i use Google search for guests. Guests see Google quick search, users IPB quick search.
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There was a bug that wasn't caught in the betas. It was reported after release. We have fixed it for the next version.

This is standard operating procedure in the software world.

This isnt fixed in 3.2.1. Search still looks only from topic subjects.... :(
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