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3.2 Avatars...


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Lets make a following few points clear first:

  • No I am not happy with 3.1.4, especially with the Gallery as buggy as it is.
  • I do like the look and feel of 3.2.0 and there is alot I am happy about with it.
  • There are however alot I am not happy about with 3.2.0

I don't like the fact that Avatars are a fixed size. I don't so much mind having to share Profile Photos and Avatars together. I can understand that, and I accept that, that is what IPS wanted to do. HOWEVER I do believe the use should of have the option for it. (Option to move to the new system, keep the old one, etc) I probably would of stayed with the old one to be honest, but that's just me. I cannot speak for every customer IPS has.

Where as in 3.1.4 the Avatars had a MAX size limit. Say 160x200 (If that's what I set it to in the AdminCP) users could upload say a 150x150 and it'll be fine, it won't stretch, it will just be a box. Or they could upload a 300x300 picture and it will get resized down keeping the aspect ratio of said image.

NOW however; when you upload a picture no matter what, your avatar, when viewing posts/threads seems to be stuck at 100px × 100px (scaled to 90px × 90px) is there any way I can change this? Is it a bug? Or... Can someone please tell me what's going on? If it's a bug then fine, I will pipe up about it. However if it's not... I kinda have a problem here, and I would like to know how I can change it...

Thank you.
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This is something that blows my mind. I can understand and deal with avatars/profile photos being one, but AT LEAST give me the option to set the size for them. I want to set them to 150x150 for staff & 100x100 for standard members. This feature not being available is ridiculous...

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No I am not happy with 3.1.4, especially with the Gallery as buggy as it is.

Gallery 3 that goes with 3.1.4 works very well. Gallery 4 that some members with 3.1.4 upgraded to is buggy. Gallery 4.1 like here is a lot better but still has bugs.

Re avatar / photo size. I agree, there should be controls on size. I have no plans on upgrading to 3.2 any time soon. I'll wait until all of the issues with a new version are sorted out, plus some decent skins available to purchase.

By the way you can control the scaling of the avatars by editing the css.

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The thing I don't get is that the original size of your photo appears in your profile but then the photo in your post-profile, that mini profile, is cropped ... I just don't understand why IPS didn't allow for an Admin to be able to change the default size of the post-profile photo like 3.1.4 allowed you to do. I'm fine with only having the photo, but at least give administrators the ability to change the size of the photo in the ACP.

With 3.1.4, you could set the max size of avatars in the ACP. But, with 3.2, this option was removed. This really needs to be returned to the ACP, even if you don't plan on returning the avatar feature.

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You had total or at least near total control in basically every version of IPB besides 3.2.0. you can't edit the "thumbnail" size, you can't specify "per user" size limits and a lot of the old features are just gone.

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I think IPS' decision to remove the avatar gallery was a poor one. This feature has been common on forums since their inception. It makes little sense to have multiple users upload the same image over and over if they want to use the same avatar/'photo'. I also don't like the fact that when you crop, the maximum crop area is so small. I guess it's okay to have only photos, but that's no excuse to reduce the number of features (i.e. gallery, size)

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Avatars and Signatures have been a staple of message forum software since the first one was created. I'm just mind-boggled as to why IPS decided that nobody would use them anymore. It kind of reminds me of the whole debate over Google's new video format and expressing a desire to introduce a new video format to replace the ones that have come before it.

I'm not saying that avatar galleries are needed, but the functionality of allowing forum admins to be able to change the size of the photo avatar, as it's attached to your forum posts, should have remained a part of the ACP. System Admins should be able to retain the ability to set the photo size, not to have a particular size to be arbitrarly applied because IPS thinks having both are redundant.

While we're not asking for avatars or avatar galleries to be returned, we're asking that IPS add the functionality back to the ACP so that admins can set their own custom sizes for the width and height of the photo avatars. It's kind a dumb idea that a member's profile will display the correct size of the photo (150x100 or whatever size has been uploaded or selected) and yet the phto avatar in their topic posts is mandatory at 100x100 without having the ability to change that photo avatar size.

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Thing is I can understand having an avatar restriction hard coded in it, if everyone was still using 800x600 screen resolutions. But we're not. Hell the lowest I use at the moment is 1920x1080, a 100x100 avatar on a 1920x1080 screen is so small I have to use Windows Magnifier just to see some of them! People on my forums LOVE having their 160x240 avatars and they're all really upset that it's gone!

Thank you everyone for supporting me on this, I feel I've had a hard time trying to get IPS to even listen to me on this.

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To increase the size of the square avatar thumbnail (this assumes 200px):

Add this line into your conf_global.php file before the closing PHP tags:

$INFO['member_photo_crop'] = 200;

Then edit ipb_styles.css

.ipsUserPhoto_large { max-width: 200px; max-height: 200px; }

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