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Download: [mm31] Zopim - One 2 One chat with your visitors


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File Name: [mm31] Zopim - One 2 One chat with your visitors
File Submitter: Mod-Mall.com
File Submitted: 23 Jul 2011
File Updated: 24 Jul 2011
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

What is ZopIM?
ZopIM is a one 2 one chat client for your website, it has some pretty nifty features such as

  • Allowing the visitor to initiate chat
  • Allowing you to initiate chat
  • IM intergration, use your IM client to talk to visitors
  • Advance Reporting, see where the visitor is live!

It has both free and paid variations.

The way I see ZopIM being useful is to talk guests through the registration process. You can set ZopIM to automaticlly open a chat with an available rep under certain conditions, so for example a repeat visitor might be more inclined to join if you talk to them.


You could allow your members to request your support for more advanced features of your forum or use it to talk to members who have just breached a forum rule or reported a bug.

What this Mod Does
This mod inserts the javascript in your template, saving you from having to edit your templates.

It also has built in conditionals to allow you (or your users) to configure who the script is active for

Currently supports
  • Allow users to enable/disable from their options
  • Set which usergroups (i.e only to members who have donated)
  • Set a postcount at which chat is available
  • If you want any more post them as a feature request in my forum

Disclosure: Please use the links found in the readme (or *here*) to register for Zopim, this will help support this modification and many other like it.

Click here to download this file
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