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Make announcements posts


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I think that the announcement system is great already, don't get me wrong, but I think that a small feature addition may make it better. The addition of an option when making it that allows people to reply to the announcement or not and count it as a post/topic.

I think it would be great, other thoughts?

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I plan on disabling the announcements feature. I do NOT like the way it screams at you at the very top of the page. It's annoying and distracting. The "announcements" feature should work exactly like the "pinned" topics do, like how they are displayed in IPB 3.1. I don't like how they are now displayed. It's like that obnoxious kid from down the street who won't leave you alone.

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If you want, effectively, a pinned topic - make a pinned topic.

Announcements *should* "scream" at you in my opinion. They should be used for important information administrators want to ensure their members see. If announcements are simply duplicating the functionality of pinned topics, what is the point in having them given that we already have pinned topics?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Is it possible to have announcements for guests and different announcements for members?

That would be pretty awesome to have a permission mask for each announcement. I often wish I could give one announcement to one group and a different announcement to another group. Especially in forums where permissions vary by group (e.g. one can post, one can read only). It would be a nice way to let users know what they can do in any given forum, and why. Otherwise I get emails with "Why can't I post in this forum?"
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