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Slight Login Changes


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When a user clicks on "Login" it says

Email Address :
Password :

I think you should change email address to User Name << That Would be Better


oh, thanks :smile:

It would be great, if that settings were the default one.

It is default originally, but IPS changed it to E-mails for Client Area and Forums consistency.


When a user clicks on "Login" it says

Email Address :

Password :

I think you should change email address to User Name << That Would be Better

I had reported this in the tracker and Brandon has fixed this. It is because of Converge on this board and I do not know why it still doesn't show here. However it is fine on my test board.

I still log in using my username, because I my username is shorter to type out than my email. ^_~

On my board I'll have it say "username or email address" so as to not confuse any of my members.


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