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IP.Portal for IPB 3.2.0


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Dear IPS Staff (insert your favourite boyband music here),

I'm wondering if ip.portal will get updated for the 3.2.0 version?

I would also like to ask more experienced members, if it's possible to have all the stuff Unreal Portal offers in IP.Portal as well? (Custom blocks, links, custom pages)

I would be happy if at least I could setup a News forum which would export news topics to the portal end of the site.

I know there's IP.Content but right now I don't plan on purchasing it and it looks like Unreal Portal has reached his EOL.



I know the unreal portal works with IP.board 3.2.

Yeah i remember you posting that but, it doesn't work on my site. Weird!
Hmm..I'm gonna try do a clean 3.2.0 and install UPortal to see if it works.

Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work on my localhost copy. I get a DB error. This is the one which came with 3.2.0 beta, I suppose it's Michael's version?

Umm did you get a different version than I did... because I don't have the portal included in mine. As far as I know the portal will not be updated until 3.2 goes gold.

Well, this is just great. UPortal works on a clean 3.2.0 install but it reports errors on an upgraded 3.1.4 board.

This is just one of the examples:

Fatal error: Call to a member function portal_start() on a non-object in C:\wamp\www\forumi\admin\applications_addon\other\uportal\modules_public\uportal\uportal.php on line 1142

So what does the upgraded 3.1.4 lacks that is causing these errors? :ninja:


It actually works fine as long you don't check the UPortal -> Main -> Show Stats option. For some reason, the birthday retreival causes an error (probably something to do with the new Calendar structure?).


1) We are not updating IP.Portal for 3.2. We have handed it over to a member of the community to continue to develop and support.

2) The upgrader does recache templates during the upgrade routine (since I saw that mentioned above). Otherwise the new 3.2 skin templates would not be cached, of course.


Unfortunatelly, it doesn't work on my localhost copy. I get a DB error. This is the one which came with 3.2.0 beta, I suppose it's Michael's version?

From an initial install, didn't notice an error, would you mind passing it on to me? It doesn't officially support IPB 3.2 yet but it's the first mod I'll be upgrading.

^^I tried using portal on my upgraded 3.1.4 (To 3.2.0 beta), I presume it's the version I had with my 3.1.4 board, and I got some DB error regarding cache_store and cal_events table.

Your Portal works on a clean 3.2.0 install, BUT when I tried installing it on my upgraded 3.1.4 (after I uninstalled previous portal and deleted old files), when trying to go to the Admin CP- > Manage Applications and Modules, I get this:

Catchable fatal error: Object of class class_localization could not be converted to string in C:\wamp\www\forumi\admin\applications\core\skin_cp\cp_skin_applications.php on line 752

Once I delete the "applications_addon/other/portal" folder, the error is no longer there..but of course, I can't install it.

I wanted to paste the DB error but it's too big and editor got jammed.


I upgraded my test board from 3.1.4 and get a database error:

Date: Fri, 10 Jun 2011 15:04:23 +0000

Error: 1054 - Unknown column 'event_unix_to' in 'where clause'

IP Address: XX.XX.XX.XX - /testforum/index.php/portal/


mySQL query error: SELECT * FROM ibf_cal_events WHERE event_calendar_id = 1 AND event_approved IN (0,1)

AND ( (event_unix_to >= 1304164801 AND event_unix_from <= 1312199999 )

OR ( event_unix_to=0 AND event_unix_from >= 1304164801 AND event_unix_from <= 1312199999 )

OR ( event_recurring=3 AND FROM_UNIXTIME(event_unix_from, '%c')=6 AND event_unix_to <= 1312199999 ) )


| File | Function | Line No. |


| admin/applications_addon/ips/calendar/modules_public/calendar/calendars.php| [public_calendar_calendar_calendars].calendarGetEventsSQL | 2461 |


| admin/applications_addon/ips/calendar/modules_public/calendar/calendars.php| [public_calendar_calendar_calendars].getMonthEvents | 1945 |


| admin/applications_addon/ips/calendar/extensions/portalPlugins/calendar.php| [public_calendar_calendar_calendars].getMiniCalendar | 73 |


| admin/applications_addon/other/portal/modules_public/portal/portal.php | [ppi_calendar].calendar_show_current_month | 233 |


| admin/sources/base/ipsController.php | [public_portal_portal_portal].doExecute | 292 |



hey i want to ask ??

how to give some reputation to a members ??

i don't undestand

Click "Like This" and you will give 1 point to the reputation of the user. :smile:

The reputation mode is the "Like button", which is enabled instead traditional reputation.


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