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Edited by Icon looks Cut off


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Looks fine to me.. oh wait nvm, the bottom of the icon seems to be cut off. Submit a bug in the tracker.

Looks like the line height should be set to 16px...


I hope there will also be a way to change the size of the Edited By line. Seems to be way too large, and distracts people from the content of the post.

-Relevant but irrelevant at the same time-


Might be able to go to 10px, un-bold and italicized. Just as well, the image could be edited down to be smaller, if that's the case as well. No point in having a 16px image for 10px text.


Whatever, these little thing really make the software look unpolished. The icon seriously looks like something wasn't done right. It looks like some POS icon that didn't work and they just left it there.


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