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3.2 Skin Improvement Suggestion

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I think the skin of IPB 3.2 could be simplified in a way and I have attached a sketch of how it could be done. The advantages I see in the way I propose it is to have:

1. a cleaner design, removed multiple frames around the board, which have no real function
2. better utilization of the space, no empty space around the forum
3. I also suggest to improve the forum icons, I didn't have time to propose better ones yet, but I think they should be simplified, at present they are too 'edgy' and attract too much of attention, no need to have green colour without a serious reason.

I still don't like the quote bubbles. They look jagged around the edges and just overall not good. I think perhaps if they were either square or maybe given a slighter larger border, they'd look better.

I must say I kinda like the current look as it is. :)

It would be nice to have a slight background color variation for alternative topics, like previous skin. Easy on eyes.

Great ideas for your own custom skins.....

Great ideas for [u]your own custom skins.[/u]....

You act as if we're not allowed to offer commentary on the skin, which is unfinished, as far as I'm concerned, until 3.2 is officially released.
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I think the skin of IPB 3.2 could be simplified in a way and I have attached a sketch of how it could be done. The advantages I see in the way I propose it is to have:

1. a cleaner design, removed multiple frames around the board, which have no real function

2. better utilization of the space, no empty space around the forum

3. I also suggest to improve the forum icons, I didn't have time to propose better ones yet, but I think they should be simplified, at present they are too 'edgy' and attract too much of attention, no need to have green colour without a serious reason.

Actually, we did have the skin like that in an early version but we agreed that it was too "floaty" and needed borders to box in the content. Once those forums are read, the BG is white which is the same colour as the content background so it all just kind of 'sits' there and bleeds off the page.

And also please remove the bold-subforum style. Subforum names/list should be more different to the forum name.

And also please remove the bold-subforum style. Subforum names/list should be more different to the forum name.

Bold subforum = Unread topics inside

Bring back the old design of IPBoard...Old version was better!

I completely disagree, this style is far superior IMO. It is going to take awhile for it to feel like "home" again, but everything is far cleaner in this skin. If you like the old style, you can always make yourself a custom skin...

Bring back the old design of IPBoard...Old version was better!

Have to disagree however I see that skinbox are about to launch a skin that looks very much like the default skin here for 3.1 and I guess someone will do a skin that looks like the old one for 3.2

I'm reminded of similar "the old skin was better!" topics when 3.0 was released. :ike:

I'm reminded of similar "the old skin was better!" topics when 3.0 was released. :ike:

And was probably true of V2 as well!

I'm reminded of similar "the old skin was better!" topics when 3.0 was released. :ike:

Well. It is?

I have asked quite a few forum users from my forum their thoughts and they all say the 3.1 skin is better. They asked if I have to upgrade too, which I don't but I know IPB stop supporting old software eventually.

The only thing 3.2 has that I want is better functionality.

Well. It is?

I have asked quite a few forum users from my forum their thoughts and they all say the 3.1 skin is better. They asked if I have to upgrade too, which I don't but I know IPB stop supporting old software eventually.

The only thing 3.2 has that I want is better functionality.

But the thing is, which skin is "better" is always just the opinion of the user being asked. There is no way to make a skin that everyone thinks is the best possible one. Any skin they make, there will always be some that says it's the best thing ever, and some that say it's the worst thing humanity has ever created. Most of the feedback I've seen people post here has been overwhelmingly positive of the new skin.

It is just a skin after all, though, if you don't like it you can always get a third-party skin for your own site.

I know you like the skin, Matt, but not all of us do. :laugh: You have your customers but we have ours too, so to speak, and upgrading to this won't please 50% of my visitors I can guarantee that. Although I'm looking forward to the beta to see what can be done.

They should have an alternate version of this skin available with a more typical IPB / forum look.

They should have an alternate version of this skin available with a more typical IPB / forum look.

But what is 'typical' - VB4 looks different to VB3, Windows7 looks different to Windows 2000, IPB3 looks different IPB2 etc.

As mentioned you will probably be able to run a 3.1 type skin on 3.2 anyway, so I would not worry too much :)

Personally this skin is MUCH faster to use.

I'm not a fan of VB4,but at least it has typical forum things like forum icons, user online statuses, and a better user online list than something created in notepad etc. I can't get all those back myself, so I'm depending on someone else.

IPB write the scripts etc but it's upto us to create a site to SUIT our board / purpose of the site. Can't juse use the default skin if you want to run a successful board, and the basicness of 3.2 skin is going to make it even harder for me.

I hope custom skins come out soon. This skin while ok is blinding me. There is way way to much white. I think I mentioned that before. The background colors could really be knocked down a couple shades. I don't know how someone could use this skin full time....

That and most of the forum graphics are now tiny and pretty much useless.

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I think the overall skin concept is generally much cleaner and simpler than the previous one and we will quickly get used to it as it is easy to get use to things which are better. my only comments are these frames which graphically are 'too much'. At present we r having next to each other: blue background (of a page) - white background (some sort of a supertopic) - blue thick frame (of a topic) - blue hairline again and once more white background (of a post). to me they are too many embedded backgrounds which could be simplified. please don't take it as a criticism i am just thinking loud of how to have the page looking yet cleaner.

honestly, i prefer the new one.
it looks smarter, lighter, not that heavy as the old one.

Hope that the "testversion" of 3.2 comes out fast, so i can test some things on the new style ;)

There will be a downloadable beta I understand - but I would not advise running it on a live site until it goes gold.

I think some of you are missing the point here. No-one is FORCING you to update to 3.2.....

You can wait a year if you want before upgrading, and wait for different skins etc to be updated/released.

I for sure as hell won't be upgrading for quite some time to come, I've only just switched to IPB v3 9 months ago, if I enforced this update on them I think I'd lose a ton of members. Yes, this skin is very different from 3.1.4, but it doesn't mean you have to accept it. You run your own sites, you choose what happens!

I think some of you are missing the point here. No-one is FORCING you to update to 3.2.....

You can wait a year if you want before upgrading, and wait for different skins etc to be updated/released.

I for sure as hell won't be upgrading for quite some time to come, I've only just switched to IPB v3 9 months ago, if I enforced this update on them I think I'd lose a ton of members. Yes, this skin is very different from 3.1.4, but it doesn't mean you have to accept it. You run your own sites, you choose what happens!

Nothing in life is forced... but in someway we do feel force because of the amount of features we will not get without the upgrade.
I for one, hate this skin.


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