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Download: Animate [ipbforumskins.com]


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File Name: Animate [ipbforumskins.com]
File Submitter: ehren.
File Submitted: 26 Apr 2011
File Category: Dark Skins

Animate is a dark, modern design and is named after the animated background effect seen in its header. The skin comes with a quick login box for guests, rounded avatars for topic icons, subtle css3 animations, an animated header and customizable topic views. Perfect for any forum looking for a quick loading dark design - especially great for gaming forums!

Compatible with the latest versions of IP Board 3.1.x (3.1.4+), Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat, Nexus and IP.Content. The skin has been tested in all major, modern browsers including Firefox, Safari, Chrome, Internet Explorer 8+ and Opera. Tested on Mac and Windows.

Skin features


Animated header background
The background of your header pans horizontally for a neat, flash like effect. Powered by javascript and css.


Quick login box
As a guest, clicking the "Sign In" link animates a quick login form. Give it a try on the demo board!


Basic/detailed topic view
This new feature gives your members the opportunity to customize their topic view by hiding sigs and author information, allowing more room for posts.


Avatars post icons
Avatars are used as post icons instead of standard topic icons. The avatars are rounded using css3 and are faded in opacity if there are no new posts.


CSS3 styles
CSS3 (now compatible with all major modern browsers) has been used to create nice subtle effects (round corners, shadows, etc) reducing the need for additional images.


HTML text as logo
Changing the logo text is extremely easy by modifying the HTML text. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead.

Click here to download this file

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  • 3 months later...

Hey, had the skin for a month or two now its worked fine couldnt fault it.

I purchased the gallery today for my forum however the skin doesnt seem to be working properly with it. Im not sure if i have done anything wrong but here is a screenshot of how its looking after installing the gallery.

My forum is 3.1.4 and the gallery is 4.0.4

Im guessing the gallery is not supposed to be all white in the middle.

Any help would be great thanks.

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