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Small bug report

♥ Adam ♠

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It would seem Invision Power Services and Internet Brands have 1 thing in common, as you both use a tracker to follow bug reporting. While I did find your tracker a little more user friendly..... Internet Brands may have a small edge in regarding to allow you to post screen shots.

For the most simplest things, sometimes a screen shot is just easier to post, then trying to explain the error and getting lost in translation. Even more so when the individual reporting the bug, does not know the technical terms or speaks English well.

So here is me reporting a small graphical error I found on your blogs and not knowing how to submit it in away that best fits my needs and yours.

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And if you can't attach images, you can always upload those images to a free image hosting service like imgur.com and link to the image.

Posting here is not the way to report a bug. Even if you can't attach an image to the Tracker, you always need to be posting bug reports there. A developer who can fix this bug is not likely to just stumble across this report. That being said, this is a well known issue, and should be addressed when the comments system matures a bit more in IP.Board 3.2.

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