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Download: View Unread Replies


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File Name: View Unread Replies
File Submitter: MisterPhilip
File Submitted: 29 Jan 2011
File Updated: 30 Jan 2011
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

The View Unread Replies hook simulates SMF's "Show new replies to your posts" feature. For those of you that haven't used that feature before, it is where when you make a post in a topic and there is a reply that you haven't read yet, it shows up on a list.

This was one of the most requested features from the past few IPB installs I've done where the user came from SMF. It adds an item in the user's drop down menu and links to the page that pulls up the past X topics with new replies.

This hasn't been tested on anything lower than 3.1.4, however I suspect it'll work on any 3.1.X

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Awesome thanks for this. This is something IPB should have built in.

Edit: Okay I have installed it and there is no new link in the dropdown. I have checked using the default skin as well. There are new posts in my forums in topics that I have replied to. Anyone else having the same problem?

Edit 2: View new content is messed up as well. Clicking on any of the search results with VNC takes me to the first post not the first unread post. I have disabled the hook and it's back to how it should be.


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I've found the issue with the skin template not showing up (was using a hook point for "liked content" which is on gallery/blog from what I now understand.) I've moved it to above the Manage Friends link.

Is anybody else getting the same error 3DWiki was? I can't seem to replicate it, but am intrigued since the hook doesn't mess the current VNC.

@Shadow82x - I was planning on doing this, I just need to look more into automating the columns (instead of hardcoding it.)

A fresh file is up that should fix the hook location problem. Let me know if you find anything else.

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It should get added to any skin, as long as it has the proper hook point. I did test it on my custom skin and it worked, so I'm not sure if you're missing the proper hook point in yours. If it doesn't you can add in the URL manually like Shadow82x suggested. (I will see if there is anything else I can do to get it to add in on other custom skins)

This is currently what is used in the hook (under template -> skin_unread_replies -> hookUnreadRepliesMenuLink), so if you need to add it somewhere else by all means (note: you will need to make sure to have the lang files loaded, or hardcode the text in there)

<if test="unreadRepliesLink:|:$this->settings['unread_replies_enable']">

<li id='user_unread' class='row1'><a href='{parse url="app=forums&module=unreadReplies&section=view" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['unread_hook_link']}'>{$this->lang->words['unread_hook_link']}</a></li>


I'll work on updating the design this afternoon :)

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Uploaded new version... you can see the new design below:

@3DWiki: I'm still unable to reproduce your error. A few things I think it might be: cached skin isn't cooperating, or you don't have the hook point. If you could be so kind to check to see under the templates: "Global Templates" -> "globalTemplate" search for "nobbyNoMates". If nothing comes up, there is our problem and I can export a special one that hooks in a different location for you. If it does come up, and it's not a cache issue... hmmm.. :blink:

Still some to-do's (probably within the next week or two):

  • Investigate IPB's marked read system better
  • Allow for sorting in the table (date, name, topic, etc)
  • Add mod controls for the topics like you'd find in the forum view?

Again, let me know if you find any errors or have any other suggestions :)
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@3DWiki - you can add this in anywhere within the user dropdown:

<if test="unreadRepliesLink:|:$this->settings['unread_replies_enable']">

<li id='user_unread' class='row1'><a href='{parse url="app=forums&module=unreadReplies&section=view" base="public"}' title='{$this->lang->words['unread_hook_link']}'>{$this->lang->words['unread_hook_link']}</a></li>


@setrio - My Content shows a list of all of your content, read or unread. This narrows it down to just threads with new replies in it. TBH - I've never really used My Content, so if there is a filter feature by new replies then... uhh I guess it does make the meat of my hook pointless :P

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Hello, MisterPhilip. Thank you for your prompt response.
It's the last version that has a perfect, wonderful layout (the skin's layout..lovely), but it's with only one reply (gonna print a screenshot).
And I have at least a billion of unread replies. The set up is on "up to 100".
Just tell me if you need more details.
I've upgraded from the 1st version simply re-uploading the "admin" folder into the "admin" already existing one, and re-uploaded the new xml hook file.

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