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Download: valentine skin

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File Name: valentine skin
File Submitter: Ajouz
File Submitted: 18 Jan 2011
File Updated: 25 Jan 2011
File Category: Seasonal Skins


  • A Dark Skin , fixed width with heavily css edits and few templates edits .

Click here to download this file


Is there anything you can do for the IP.Chat module? I bought this skin, and not realizing that IP.Chat isnt fixed up to match this skin...

This is how the chat shows up:

First page, is the "I agree, rules" part

Second page, is the chat room itself.. As you can see, the colors dont go with the skin at all:

Is there any way this can be fixed?

  • Author

Is there anything you can do for the IP.Chat module? I bought this skin, and not realizing that IP.Chat isnt fixed up to match this skin...

This is how the chat shows up:

First page, is the "I agree, rules" part


Second page, is the chat room itself.. As you can see, the colors dont go with the skin at all:


Is there any way this can be fixed?

I will fix this and post fix here .

thanks .
  • Author

hello ,
Manual fix :

Look & Feel >
go to the skin and choose
Manage Templates & CSS
open css tab in the skin and open

replace the content by

) no-repeat top left; font-size: 1.05em; font-weight: bold; padding: 0; margin: -4px 0px auto 5px; position: relative; } #chat-tab-bar ul li.active a { background: transparent url( ) no-repeat top right; padding: 10px 15px 10px 10px; margin-left: 6px; display: block; color: #FFF; } #chat-tab-bar ul li a { color: #9bb2c8; text-decoration: none; } .chat-private-message { background-color: #eef3f8; border: 1px solid #191919; padding: 4px; } .chat-private-message textarea { height: 45px; width: 300px; } .chat-private-message input { float: right; height: 48px; padding: 0 15px; } #chat-tab-count { background-color: #fff; }

#ipschat {

	overflow: hidden;

	position: relative;

	padding: 10px;

	border: 1px solid #191919;


#chat-container {

	margin-right: 200px;


#chat-controls {

	/*position: absolute;*/

	height: 32px;

	bottom: 0;

	left: 0;

	right: 0;

	padding: 6px 10px;


#scrollbar_container {

	position: relative;

	/*width: 960px;*/


#messages-display {

	overflow: auto;

	/*width: 945px;*/

	margin-left: 0px;

	height: 350px;

	border: 1px solid #800024;

	margin-bottom: 4px;


.messages-list label {

	width: 100px;

	display: block;

	min-width: 100px;

	float: left;

	font-weight: bold;

	margin-right: 5px;

	text-align: right;


.messages-list li {

	/*border-top: 1px solid #D3D3D3;*/

	border-bottom: 1px solid #800024;

	padding: 4px;

	font-size: 12px;

	overflow: auto;


.messages-list div {

	padding-left: 5px;

	margin-left: 103px;

	border-left: 1px solid #D3D3D3;


/*#chat-container, #chat-online {

	float: left;


#chat-submit {

	vertical-align: top;

	position: absolute;

	right: 15px;

	top: 20px;


#chat-form {

	border: 1px solid #191919;

	border-bottom-width: 4px;

	padding: 4px;

	background: #181818;

	position: relative;


#ipboard_body #editor_message {

	margin: 0px;	

	margin-right: 150px;

	border: 0;	


	#ipboard_body #editor_message textarea {

		height: 40px;

		width: 99.7%;

		resize: none; /* disables the grip on safari */

		outline: 0; /* disables the 'halo' */


	#ipboard_body #editor_message .toolbar {

		padding: 0;


#chat-submit {

	height: 45px;

	padding: 0 15px;

	float: right;


.chat-me {

	font-style: italic;

	background-color: #e2f3e2;


.messages-list li.chat-time {

	font-size: 11px;

	font-weight: bold;

	color: #4f4f4f;


.messages-list li.chat-system {

	font-weight: bold;

	color: #fff;

	background: #913535;

	padding: 6px 20px;


.chat-message {


.chat-myown {

	background-color: #181818;


.chat-notice {

	background-color: #181818;


.chat-moderator {

	background-color: #181818;


ul.kickmenu {

	background: #181818;

	border: 1px solid #1d3652;

	margin-top: 0px;

	width: 170px;		

	float: right;

	z-index: 10000;


	ul.kickmenu li {

		padding: 1px;

		float: none;


	ul.kickmenu a {

		color: #1d3652;

		text-decoration: none;

		padding: 4px 4px 4px 4px;

		display: block;

		font-size: 11px;


		ul.kickmenu a:hover {

			background: #528f6c;

			color: #fff;


#chatters-online-wrap {

	overflow: auto;

	height: 370px;

	min-height: 370px;

	bottom: 30px;


#chatters-online {

	list-style: none;

	padding: 5px;


	#chatters-online li {

		padding-bottom: 3px;

		padding-top: 3px;

		border-bottom: 1px solid #f6f6f6;

		height: 30px;


/*	#chatters-online .photo {

		float: left;


		#chatters-online .names {

			margin-left: 34px;


#chat-online {

	position: absolute;

	top: 10px;

	right: 10px;

	width: 185px;


	#chat-online h3 {

		margin: 0;


#initial_message {

	display: block;

	padding: 15px;

	color: #5e5e5e;

	font-style: italic;


/* Kill the loading bar at the top */

#ipboard_body #ajax_loading {

	display: none;


#emoticons_custom_menu_menucontent {

	border: 1px solid #1d3652;

	height: 400px;

	width: 200px;

	overflow: auto;


.chat-photo {

	width: 30px;

	max-width: 30px;

	min-width: 30px;

	height: 30px;

	min-height: 30px;

	max-height: 30px;

	display: inline-block;

	text-align: center;


#iframeContainer {

	left: 5000px;

	display: none;


/* Navigation */

#chat-tab-bar {

	font-size: 0.95em;

	border-bottom: 5px solid #800024;

	padding-left: 10px;

	height: 31px;	


	#chat-tab-bar ul li, #chat-tab-bar ul li a {

		color: #9bb2c8;

		text-decoration: none;


	#chat-tab-bar ul li {

		font-size: 0.95em;

		padding: 8px 8px;

		margin-left: 6px;


		#chat-tab-bar ul li.active {

			background: transparent url(		

package updated

Great thanks much.

  • 3 weeks later...

I gotta say, there is alot of areas on this theme, that were not fixed up properly...

There are several areas that I have found that the text is black and the background is black.. So reading the text is pretty much impossible unless you highlight everything. I should have looked more around on this skin before purchasing.. as $10.00 wasnt worth this theme.. It was a very nice theme at first glance and after installing... but going through areas like shoutbox, nexus, chat, and a few other areas.. It was thought out very well..

Just my opinion..

I gotta say, there is alot of areas on this theme, that were not fixed up properly...

There are several areas that I have found that the text is black and the background is black.. So reading the text is pretty much impossible unless you highlight everything. I should have looked more around on this skin before purchasing.. as $10.00 wasnt worth this theme.. It was a very nice theme at first glance and after installing... but going through areas like shoutbox, nexus, chat, and a few other areas.. It [size="5"][u]"WASN'T"[/u][/size] thought out very well..

Just my opinion..


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