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"Support Info" from Package Information


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Do Support staff have access to "Support Info" in my Package Information section?

It seems as though every time I log a support request I need to manually supply this info, despite there being a section to display input it, so Support staff can see it.

If they don't have access to this information, what is the point of this feature?


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Hi Jason,

Those details are available to technicians. I do see that was overlooked in your most recent ticket - sorry about that, it's a discrepancy in how our software displays it, I'll make sure that gets sorted.

Other than that, I scanned through your recent tickets and couldn't see any other examples - feel free to PM me any relevant ticket ID numbers if you have any concerns.

Thanks :)

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Hey Mark, thanks for the reply and for confirming that technicians have access to the info.

Hatsu, like you said I understand that pasting it in will work, but I'm one of those freaks that hates to see a feature available and for it to go unused.

Apologies if I was short in my initial post, you guys do a great job and I do appreciate it.

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