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Priority support


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IPS only has Board down and general priorities listed for choices when you have an issue and are submitting a ticket. This falls short imo. I have parts of my site that are down that no one can view, and because my whole site is not down it is just a general support issue. I believe the issue I am having is more of a priority than a general one. My suggestion is give customers another choice for level of priorities. My site is dependent on guests being able to view everything because of the nature of who some of them are. Someone who has high public recognition doesn't want to be signed in or even known they are on the site. If media or anyone knew they were there it would turn into a situation where I'd lose a few well known musicians. I'm not trying to get faster service over a small issue but a larger one that rides the border of site down. All in all I am happy with my IPS software itself btw :) just think a small improvement can be made for people needing a faster service in more dire situations.

Kind Regards

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Thank you for your feedback :) , this topic may be more appropriate in the Company Feedback forum though, but I'm sure someone will move it soon.

There is an option to flag your ticket as critical (for when your site is inaccessible) , although I would assume that is for totally inoperative or almost inoperative.

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  • Management

Thank you for your feedback. I believe the business license would offer what you're looking for. There's a special classification in the ticket system for business class, internal priority (things that techs escalate) and critical. If you're interested in upgrading, please feel free to contact our sales department and they'll be happy to discuss your options. :)

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