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User option to Change Topic Order


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Would it be possible to let Users choose whatever order they would like their view of the Topics.
I've found that some people prefer seeing the latest post in a Thread, to be at the top.
When they are actively involved, is easy to keep abreast with the discussion.
When someone isn't actively involved, they would have to go to the beginning to get the gist of it.
So I feel it would me much easier to give people the choice.


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His wording could have been better. Appreciate the response though! Let me rephrase it for him.

When in a thread, some users would prefer to have the latest post first, so that as you scroll down the page, you going to older posts. This way, when you click a link in the "New Content" page, you'll end up in the middle of the page, having to scroll up to see the newer posts. I have no idea why anyone would like this. But some of his users, and some of mine as well, would like this option.

I know this exists in the ACP. Is it possible to extend this option to the "User Settings" page, so that each user can set their own thread display properties?

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