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Allowing multiple accounts with same email address


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After submitting a ticket through IPB asking if it was possible to allow members to have multiple accounts with the same email address, they said it wasn't possible because IPB uses the email address as an unique identifier. However, I was wondering if the developers could include in future versions to have a check box to where it allowed members to have multiple accounts with the same email address.

The reason I am asking for this is that I run a Role Playing forum that requires players to have multiple accounts for every character they role play. Players seem kinda put out to create 10 different Gmail addresses just to role play all their characters. One email account for all their characters would help greatly. Like some of the popular free boards allow you to do currently.


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  • 4 weeks later...

Use to have this feature. :huh:

If IPB ever had this capability, it was earlier than IPB 2.1.

This is a suggestion, I'm afraid, that is not likely to make it into the product. As mentioned, IPB uses the email address as a unique account identifier and I don't see that changing in the near future.
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