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Caaan we get a tweet button?

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Today, twitter launched the Tweet button, which is just like the Facebook Like feature that IPB has in all topics.
Soooo.... caaaaan we get standard integration?

Here's a video for more info:

Ideally, this should replace the current twitter "share this topic" feature.

It looks like a few websites have already implemented this. Hopefully we can get this implemented into IPB.

Would be a cool feature :)

*vomits on twitter*

Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Topic View > TopicViewTemplate > find -

<ul class='topic_buttons'>

add below

<li><a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" data-via="MyTwitterName">Tweet</a></li><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script>

(change the MyTwitterName) Example; http://thegeekdistrict.com/topic/1923-new-twitter-share-button/ %7Boption%7D%7Boption%7D%7Boption%7D%7Boption%7D I agree that it'll be nice to get an implementation similar to the like button (ooh, you can also put the twitter code next to the like button code in the topicview template) but until then, this little edit will work for me, and I'm sure others here too. EDIT To have it next to the facebook LIKE button - go to Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Topic View > hookFacebookLike, > add this code

<div style='float:left;'><a href="http://twitter.com/share" class="twitter-share-button" data-count="horizontal" data-via="YourTwitterUsername">Tweet</a><script type="text/javascript" src="http://platform.twitter.com/widgets.js"></script></div>

before the closing


tag. Note, you may need to add


after the

<div class='facebook-like'


Love the idea.

thanks for the tip check mine out in these images :)

this one is showing on the top in the left

%7Boption%7D2nq7b0x.jpg' alt='' class='ipsImage' wid" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="562">

this one is showing in the bottom of the left before facebook LIKE

%7Boption%7D2pqreqw.jpg' alt='' class='ipsImage' wid" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="562">

thanks for the tip check mine out in these images :)

this one is showing on the top in the left

%7Boption%7D2nq7b0x.jpg' alt='' class='ipsImage' wid" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="562">

this one is showing in the bottom of the left before facebook LIKE

%7Boption%7D2pqreqw.jpg' alt='' class='ipsImage' wid" alt="" class="ipsImage" width="1000" height="562">

Nice. Hope it is implemented in a later version.

It's also possible to create custom styles for the button, so it can get a IP.Board look and feel. ;)

It's not possible without a tutorial or guide.

Thanks for your share MadMikeyB +REP, I love the tweet button

  • 2 weeks later...

I'm starting to get errors while trying to tweet a topic, 'url' parameter does not contain a valid URL.

*vomits on twitter*

You may, but the subject matter of my boards is huge on Twitter. Once again, if you DON'T WANT IT DON'T USE IT.

Damn I swear. Some of you all just b*tch to see yourself b*tch. Such a shame.

With replies like that, no wonder there isn't as much participation here as there should be.
  • 3 weeks later...

Put this code and it will add 3 things in one..Facebook Like count,Twitter,And share Botton,what so cool about the face book like when someone click it the one that came with IP board also say like with out going all to botton page to click it,but this one show how many people click the like botton in real time... and it get posted to your facebook page also.. :) enjoy

<div style='float:right;'><!-- AddThis Button BEGIN -->

<div class="addthis_toolbox addthis_default_style">

<a class="addthis_button_facebook_like" fb:like:layout="button_count"></a>

<a class="addthis_button_tweet"></a>

<a href="http://www.addthis.com/bookmark.php?v=250&amp;username=xa-4c8e4c7d3b71819d" class="addthis_button_compact">Share this topic</a>


<script type="text/javascript" src="http://s7.addthis.com/js/250/addthis_widget.js#username=xa-4c8e4c7d3b71819d"></script>

<!-- AddThis Button END -->


Here you go: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3481-tweet-button/

It works just the same as the Facebook "Like" hook, with the exception of having a couple of settings to set the recommended Twitter accounts that this button supports. This hook may well be refined and included in IP.Board 3.2. :)

Here you go: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3481-tweet-button/

It works just the same as the Facebook "Like" hook, with the exception of having a couple of settings to set the recommended Twitter accounts that this button supports. This hook may well be refined and included in IP.Board 3.2. :)

Wow! Thanks!

I'm starting to get errors while trying to tweet a topic, 'url' parameter does not contain a valid URL.

Yep, me too.

Would be best to post in its support topic here if you have any problems with it :)

Here you go: http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3481-tweet-button/

It works just the same as the Facebook "Like" hook, with the exception of having a couple of settings to set the recommended Twitter accounts that this button supports. This hook may well be refined and included in IP.Board 3.2. :)

Cool :)
  • Author

This is now installed on the IPS forums - is it a built in feature?

  • Management

No - just the hook referenced in this topic. I'm just seeing how it works here :)

Will it be built in?

  • Management

Will it be built in?

The instant you import the hook linked in this topic it's built in.
  • Author

The instant you import the hook linked in this topic it's built in.

I think Amy was asking if this is going to be a feature of IP.Board :thumbsup:


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