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Download: Super Smashbros Brawl (3.1.1 FREE)


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File Name: Super Smashbros Brawl (3.1.1 FREE)
File Submitter: Tony.M
File Submitted: 22 Jun 2010
File Category: Light Skins

This skin current works with IP.Chat

Soon to work with:

  • Blogs(Complete)
  • Gallery(Complete)
  • Downloads

Please rate this skin and go make a comment of what you think on the support topic :)

Copyright of TonyM at http://www.coremodders.com

Side note: the screen shot quality sucks because if I upload as jpg or png the file size is too big so I made it a gif

Click here to download this file
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  • 3 weeks later...

Looks nice, I know a member who may actually want to use it as their skin (or the other Mario skin).

I like the concept you are trying to implement as far as transparency is concerned.

Recommendations (for both Mario skins)
set the background image to be self hosted instead of offsite

set the default image name to match the default skin name (supersmash for example)

opacity change from 0.9 to 0.95

user navigation (seemed kind of huge and wasted on space so I firebugged it and came up with this)
* overall: width 300px
* notification drop-down: min width from 100 to 20, align right 5px
* user link: min width to 120, align right 65

displaying forums (board index page so far)
have something to separate the header (forum/stats/last post info) from the actual forums, the first forum listing looked like it was unusually tall until I realized it was blending in visually

move the "TonyM" to the bottom (I understand wanting to get credit for it so not saying to get rid of it)
logo.psd so we can 'brand' it, putting it where the TonyM is currently at
also, make the TonyM a self hosted image instead of an offsite image

allow the menu bar to extend more to the left if needed (I have application items towards the right dropping down)

for the breadcrumbs, a little more room on the left/right ends, and the ">" is hard to see.

get the downloads part completed :)

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Looks nice, I know a member who may actually want to use it as their skin (or the other Mario skin).

I like the concept you are trying to implement as far as transparency is concerned.

Recommendations (for both Mario skins)

set the background image to be self hosted instead of offsite

set the default image name to match the default skin name (supersmash for example)

opacity change from 0.9 to 0.95

user navigation (seemed kind of huge and wasted on space so I firebugged it and came up with this)

* overall: width 300px

* notification drop-down: min width from 100 to 20, align right 5px

* user link: min width to 120, align right 65

displaying forums (board index page so far)

have something to separate the header (forum/stats/last post info) from the actual forums, the first forum listing looked like it was unusually tall until I realized it was blending in visually

move the "TonyM" to the bottom (I understand wanting to get credit for it so not saying to get rid of it)

logo.psd so we can 'brand' it, putting it where the TonyM is currently at

also, make the TonyM a self hosted image instead of an offsite image

allow the menu bar to extend more to the left if needed (I have application items towards the right dropping down)

for the breadcrumbs, a little more room on the left/right ends, and the ">" is hard to see.

get the downloads part completed :)

The TonyM part is the Logo lol
I never made one because I was too lazy xD
But I will change it soon :P
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You could use the same skin and just pop in different backgrounds. For example, I popped in a Superman background and it looks nice. Could have a few skin choices all stemming from one skin. :lol:

I know thats all I did with the Mario skin, exchanged the background :P
I have to fix these.. I started to but never got around to it because I am never really home considering its summer now
I have summer school then I go out.. then come home and sleep
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