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Download: bTextin (Send free text message from IPB)

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File Name: bTextin (Send free text message from IPB)
File Submitter: GBites
File Submitted: 24 May 2010
File Updated: 27 May 2010
File Category: Applications

This modification will allow registered users to send free text messages to over 100 cellphone companies world wide.

- Your forum url will be attached to all outgoing text message
- Free Installation
- Free Updates (We release updates every month)
- Modification will integrate into the sidebar
- Captcha protection

N.B. Future versions will come packed with a lot more features and gateways/carriers.
(ionCube loaders required - This is installed on most web servers.)

Click here to see a list of supported carriers/countries and additional information.

Click here to download this file

This is a paid listing, please contact the author for further details.

where can we see a demo?

  • Author

We will have a demo ready shortly.

Would like to know if you have any Thai cellphone carriers in the list of 100

I am sure others would appreciate a full list of carriers, too.

We will have a demo ready shortly.

Thanks - will watch this topic ready for a test :)

Is there a way to see the list of carriers that are supported?

Keeps saying to complete all fields even tho they are all completed, any idea's ?

I'd like to see a list of carriers supported also. Is there a way to send a text to multiple #'s or just one?, which would be a nice feature to send out "mobile updates" of sorts.

I purchased this....just waiting for it to be sent.

  • Author

where can we see a demo?

Refer to this link: http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/

Would like to know if you have any Thai cellphone carriers in the list of 100

I am sure others would appreciate a full list of carriers, too.

Thai cellphone carriers will added in future releases.

Refer to this link for more information: http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/

Is there a way to see the list of carriers that are supported?

Refer to this link for more information: http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/

I'd like to see a list of carriers supported also. Is there a way to send a text to multiple #'s or just one?, which would be a nice feature to send out "mobile updates" of sorts.

Bulk texting will be added in future releases.

Refer to this link for more information: http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/

Sorry, cannot see a demo on those links - can you put a demo on your site or directly link to one. You will sell far more if we can test it out.


little information.
there are not an italian compagnies? the italian are the big cell user

Sorry, cannot see a demo on those links - can you put a demo on your site or directly link to one. You will sell far more if we can test it out.


I have it installed at my site planet-bytes.org.uk Ian, feel free to drop by and take a look if you want or pm me here and I can do you an account :)


Run a test and nothing happened - using t-mobile (UK) - no text was received.

Another quick question - what happens to the data entered (i.e. the phone numbers) - is this discarded immediately or kept?

Discarded i think Ian as I haven't found any log files / entries

There's a full list of all the SMS gateways supported here - http://www.mutube.co...s/gateway-list/ - he's just sending via the email to sms gateways offered by the receiver's phone provider.

Can't even begin to fathom why you would encode or charge yearly for that I'm afraid. Now, if it were to offer more features such as archiving and stuff like that, perhaps. But as it is, not really.

Well I couldnt get a txt to go thro on this and even tho I paid for it have removed it from my forum, nice enough idea but ho hum

  • Author

Sorry, cannot see a demo on those links - can you put a demo on your site or directly link to one. You will sell far more if we can test it out.


Here is a stand alone working demo: http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/demo/

little information.

there are not an italian compagnies? the italian are the big cell user

Yes Italian carriers are now supported.

Discarded i think Ian as I haven't found any log files / entries


There's a full list of all the SMS gateways supported here - [url="http://www.mutube.com/projects/open-email-to-sms/gateway-list/"]http://www.mutube.co...s/gateway-list/[/url] - he's just sending via the email to sms gateways offered by the receiver's phone provider.

Can't even begin to fathom why you would encode or charge yearly for that I'm afraid. Now, if it were to offer more features such as archiving and stuff like that, perhaps. But as it is, not really.

Most of those gateways are DEAD! A LOT more features will be added shortly! Thanks for the suggestions :)

Well I couldnt get a txt to go thro on this and even tho I paid for it have removed it from my forum, nice enough idea but ho hum

We have just released a new version.

Tested with around 20 members... All get this message for Tele2 Sweden

SMTP module(domain terminator.swip.net) reports:
host terminator.swip.net says:
550 Recipient not allowed to receive email (GOT_TO)

Some bug still in the system?

I brought this mod , it was a waste of $$ because it doesnt work!#

Here is a stand alone working demo: [url="http://www.bitestechnology.com/products/btextin-for-ipb/demo/"]http://www.bitestech...n-for-ipb/demo/[/url]

BTW - keeps saying invalid code, when it is correct.
  • Author

Unfortunately some carriers may take a while or will never deliver a message as this mod was developed using their free gateway. To combat this problem we try to find updated/alternative gateways. Updates are made on a monthly basis. The demo on our site was recently updated as well.

  • 5 months later...

The demo on your site doesnt work.

  • 3 months later...

ALL links:

Bites Technology
404 Error
Page not found. Click here to visit our new homepage.

Dont bother.. xD :thumbsup:
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