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Spamming of Affiliate Links


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If you find


annoying.. than yall really need to pull the sticks out of your asses.

FYI I'm not an IPS Affliate, and I support those who are doing so.. and I'm yet to see it "Spammed" so I suggest you actually look up what that term means before throwing it around..

Thank you for that. :)

Edit: For the signature, they're referring to that image
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You know I was going to bite my tongue on this but really...

If you find


annoying.. than yall really need to pull the sticks out of your asses.

I full agree with Colin and Wolfie on this, IF they are going out of their way to assist IPS on potential sales they by all means deserve credit for their assistance. Plus it drives sales slightly better getting information from people who have created modifications or have long standing use of the platform to those interested in purchasing it..

Community driven sales are going to do far more in helping people choose IPS over VB etc.. The Affiliate program helps return the favor

Seriously, IP.Ballin your signature's annoying to me.. does that mean I should go on how all graphic signatures should be banned? or Is some one going to complain about

in Colins Sig?

FYI I'm not an IPS Affliate, and I support those who are doing so.. and I'm yet to see it "Spammed" so I suggest you actually look up what that term means before throwing it around..

What I'm about to say is me restraining myself from not only making fun of, but making you feel stupid. There's a clear difference between flashing images with the hope of getting clicked on for them to make money or an image that does not flash and is not linked anywhere. If you still find it annoying, then I suggest you use AdBlocker and block the image from showing. ;).

Now, I have kind of changed my mind about the whole putting affiliate links in pre-sales, but I'm still against flashing images and links in your signature. I'm done here. *expects Wolfie to write an essay in his defense after this post*.
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Well it looks like this topic no longer concerns me or anything I do, and is beginning to get heated. So I'm out. Have fun you guys! %7Boption%7D

Now, I have kind of changed my mind about the whole putting affiliate links in pre-sales, but I'm still against flashing images and links in your signature. I'm done here. *expects Wolfie to write an essay in his defense after this post*.

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If you still find it annoying, then I suggest you use AdBlocker and block the image from showing. ;).

That sounds like a fair solution.

Now, I have kind of changed my mind about the whole putting affiliate links in pre-sales, but I'm still against flashing images and links in your signature. I'm done here. *expects Wolfie to write an essay in his defense after this post*.

I've already made my points in previous posts within this topic. To refresh, limited time offer, so something that is attention grabbing to help remind people of the offer so they can remember to take advantage of it. PREFERABLY using my link obviously, but still, when the offer is gone, that extra line will be gone too.
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If any of you think a flashing signature bothers you and could potentially bother other customers, contact IPS privately. It is their responsibility to handle it and their ultimate decision. Let Wolfie do what he wants, and if he goes overboard, IPS will handle it. Perhaps he will see there is more profit in advertising off of the forum than within...both financially and even morally, maybe.

---this is my own personal opinion on signature usage---
If I see too much clutter such as flashing images, lots of small text, and many...many...links, I don't even bother reading it. I can honestly say I haven't read the links on wolfie's sig, freddy's music list, collin's link list, and a few others.

I personally find ip.ballin's signature to be a great combination of content and design.

and my final opinion, I think it's a bit nerdy to be arguing over someone's signature %7Boption%7D sooo much attention to detail

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I don't speak officially on this, but I don't have a problem with affiliate links in signatures. It's an incentive to help out - Wolfie (and others) help out in return for the hope that someone will click their link to buy. Providing they are helping, and not actually spamming it pointlessly, is that a problem?

One part I can see might be divisive is the flashing banner, so perhaps you might consider stopping the flashing bit Wolfie :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't speak officially on this, but I don't have a problem with affiliate links in signatures. It's an incentive to help out - Wolfie (and others) help out in return for the hope that someone will click their link to buy. Providing they are helping, and not actually spamming it pointlessly, is that a problem?

One part I can see might be divisive is the flashing banner, so perhaps you might consider stopping the flashing bit Wolfie :)

Well, I find it annoying that whenever I see the word "IP.Board" it's an affiliate link... :rolleyes:
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Well, I find it annoying that whenever I see the word "IP.Board" it's an affiliate link... :rolleyes:

Unofficial survey - I saw 5 mentions of IPB/IP.Board in this thread which weren't affiliate links. Mine, Collin's, 3DKiwi's, Rikki's (and he works here), and yours (you mention "Invisionist", close enough).
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