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Download: iStream 1.0.1

Andy Rixon

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I am dedicated to my users The Old Man, so I am happy to look iinto any and all features.

You will be happy to know that I have started to look into VOD for Livestream, but it I can't find the API Functions for it at this time, I will continue to look into it though.

i will look in to that for you andy maybe i can find some anwsers
when i found some ill add those to the topic at your site
still ustream function will be added in 1.0.1 i believe
because the the whole code of the ustream function is at your site
even you add a paid subscription to it i look forward to that and help in any way i can maybe i have the vod info at the end of today i dont know

high regards JamNet
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  • 2 months later...

Hi all,
Is there any news on Video on Demand in Livestream yet? Andy's website seems to have disappeared, hope he's okay.

We spent a while learning about Livestream and a few months gathering a catalogue of video content but since early last year its now sitting there unused. I'd love to get it working on my site if possible! In honesty, I'm not all that interested in chat features because we already have Shoutbox installed and could install IPS Chat if necessary, but the Video on Demand seems to be a great but unused feature.

I realise its being done voluntarily in spare time, I do understand how difficult that must be.

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The Old Man,

If you was a registered member you will of had an email stating a name change, it is now operating under RIXWIL Software @ http://www.rixwil.com offering a different range of products and services.

As for the on demand thing, simple answer, no, I haven't had a change to look into anything, other projects (standalone projects) have taken up all my time so most IP.Board stuff has taken a stand still, don't worry, it is not dead, I will be rolling out updates to incorporate changes happening around them.

Sorry for the inconvience.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Do the following to remove the chat feature totally.

For Livestream Chat
AdminCP > Look & Feel > Click on {skin} > skin_iStream > showStream

Find & Remove:

<h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['stream_chat']}</h3>

    <div class='general_box'><div id="chatbox"></div></div>

For JustinTV Chat AdminCP > Look & Feel > Click on {skin} > skin_iStream > justintv Find & Remove:

<h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['stream_chat']}</h3>

    <div class='general_box'><iframe





Where I say {skin} this means the skin you wish to remove the chatbox from.

I hope this helps.

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Do the following to remove the chat feature totally.

For Livestream Chat

<h3 class='bar'>{$this->lang->words['stream_chat']}</h3>

    <div class='general_box'><div id="chatbox"></div></div>

Where I say {skin} this means the skin you wish to remove the chatbox from. I hope this helps.

Cant see that in my live stream info, heres what i have?

  <script type="text/javascript" src="public/js/istream.swfobject.js"></script>

  <script type="text/javascript">

    params = { AllowScriptAccess: 'always' };

	flashvars = { channel: '{$this->settings['iStream-channel']}' };

    function livestreamPlayerCallback(event) {

      if (event == 'ready') {

	player = document.getElementById("livestreamPlayer");

      	player.setDevKey('YOUR DEVKEY');



      log = document.getElementById('log');

      log.innerHTML = log.innerHTML + '<br/>' + event; 



      "livestreamPlayer", "100%", "300", "9.0.0", "public/js/istream.expressInstall.swf", null, params);


      "chatbox", "100%", "300", "9.0.0", "public/js/istream.expressInstall.swf", flashvars, params);


<table width="100%" border="0">


    <td width="73%" valign="top"><div class='category_block block_wrap'>

						<h3 class='maintitle'>Live Stream</h3>

                        <div id="livestreamPlayer">

  <h1>You need Flash Player to view our live broadcast</h1>

    <p><a href="http://www.adobe.com/go/getflashplayer">Download Flash Now!</a></p>


  <div class='category_block block_wrap'>

  		<h3 class='maintitle'>Player Controls</h3><br />

        <p align='center'><input class="input_submit" type="button" value="Play Broadcast" onclick="player.startPlayback()"/>

  <input class="input_submit" type="button" value="Pause Broadcast" onclick="player.stopPlayback()"/>

  <input class="input_submit" type="button" value="Volume Up +" onclick="player.volumeUp()"/>

  <input class="input_submit" type="button" value="Volume Down -" onclick="player.volumeDown()"/></p></div>


    <td width="27%" valign="top"><h3 class='bar'>Channel Description</h3>

    <div class='general_box'>{$this->settings['iStream-desc']}</div>

	<h3 class='bar'>Stream Chat</h3>

    <div class='general_box'><div id="chatbox"></div></div></td>



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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

when i click on download button here http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3145-istream-101/ i receive this message:
[#10851] We're sorry, but you cannot download files from our Download Manager. If you are seeing this message, it is because you do not hold an active IPB license. If this is a mistake, please contact an administrator. Otherwise, why not show your support for IPB and purchase a license?

i have logged in and i have a regular license! help me please

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when i click on download button here http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/3145-istream-101/ i receive this message:

[#10851] We're sorry, but you cannot download files from our Download Manager. If you are seeing this message, it is because you do not hold an active IPB license. If this is a mistake, please contact an administrator. Otherwise, why not show your support for IPB and purchase a license?

i have logged in and i have a regular license! help me please

this has nothing do to with the app just contact a admin from IPB to clear this issue or check your support payment of the IP.Board in your client Manager..
hope this helps abit
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i have installed and enabled the iStream 101, but how i can insert and post the Livestream window?? in don't have new button in the editor, i have used the media button but don't work...

help please

i gues your new to IPB
well just enter your stream settings username etc.. in the config section of the app
thats all no need for editing files
ip.board app system enter those skins edits by them self

i hope this help abit
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