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Erratic spikes? I found a potential fix

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I wont dribble on. I get lots of major spikes from the topic marker tables. They are small but I discovered highly fragmented in a short amount of time. I added a cronjob to optimize them every half hour. Since then -- goodness.

OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers`;
OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers_storage`;

Make a cronjob to run this every 30 minutes. It is very fast and has prevented spikes so far on my server. Food for thought! I was getting 50 or more loads for brief times and not any so far. maybe just luck but I am hoping the final fix!

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As a follow up. Charles has confirmed that this is something that is "known" about. I suggest those having issues try this above. It has worked wonders for me, where nothing else did. Charles indicated this will be a feature in 3.1 (optimize automatically). Until then I suggest the above to help reduce spikes in load that at least for me, were very bad!

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create a file called "db_optimize" with the following contents:

OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers_storage`;
OPTIMIZE TABLE `ibf_core_item_markers`;

then set a crontab as follows:

30 * * * * mysql -u"data base username" -p"data base password" "data base name" < db_optimize

enter the above items in " "'s without the quotes so for example if your username to your database is Tom then do ... "30 * * * * mysql -uTom ...", :).

the "< db_optimize" part of the cron points to the file. If the file is not in your users root directory you will need to point to it, ex: "/home/user/db_optimize".

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