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Download: (SOS30) Password Protected Album v1.0.0

Adriano Faria

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File Name: (SOS30) Password Protected Album v1.0.0
File Submitter: Adriano Faria
File Submitted: 25 Mar 2010
File Category: IP.Gallery

With this mod you can set per user group the option to create album using passwords to protect it from other users.The cookie is unique per user, so if more than 1 user use the same PC, others users won't be able to view albums/images already saw, by typing the correct password.

Album form

Password required

Ensure that your browser is capable of storing temporary cookies.

Click here to download this file

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I think there is a bug in the code

a user creates an album with a password
if then an other user go's to the gallery on the main page ' tab gallery "
then go's to the correct categorie and then klik an album , the user gets a question for a password.
for now everyting is Okay.

if you are on the page where you can enter a password and you go to 'user information' next to 'senha de Acesso'
and you click it, and you then go to " view all gallery files "

you can see the pictures without entering the password

Also when you go to someone's profile, and you go to "album " it says that there are no albums ??


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if you are on the page where you can enter a password and you go to 'user information' next to 'senha de Acesso'

and you click it, and you then go to " view all gallery files "

you can see the pictures without entering the password

Also when you go to someone's profile, and you go to "album " it says that there are no albums ??

That's why I asked you to test before I release here! :)

Tons of edits... surely something was left behind.

Will take a look later and will get back to you.
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if you are on the page where users can enter a password to view the album and you go to 'user information' next to 'senha de Acesso'
and you click it, and you then go to " view all gallery files "

you can see the pictures without entering the password

also when you are on the page where you can enter the password for the album, and you click " view new content " then you also see the pictures without typing the password.

Ive made a video, so you can see what i'm talking about; CHECK VIDEO HERE

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Ive made a video, so you can see what i'm talking about; [url="http://users.telenet.be/digger/bug/Password_bug_controller.swf"]CHECK VIDEO HERE[/url]

As I told you above, THUMBNAILS!

Gallery has 3 types of images:

  • thumbnail: shown on index, album/category index, user page, user album and search
  • medium image: when you click on thumbnail
  • large image: when you are viewing the medium image and click on that button and opens the lightbox

As I told you on PM, my mod works just like Gallery's FRIEND ONLY feature. When you create a new album and set it FRIENDS ONLY, anyone can see its thumbnails on User Page (Gallery), in Search and worst, in album view. It'll only show a message error when you click in thumbnail to view the image.

Anyway, I'll try not to show the thumbnail.

Working on it.
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