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Suggestion: Easy way to reorder the Navigation Tabs

A Walk in Faith

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I have looked for a way to reorder the navigation tabs (green tabs at the top) and although I have found several threads concerning this, none of them have a really 'good' way of reordering the tabs without editing the template or using a paid for mod.

I have attempted to use the edit template solution and keep getting errors.

I find is frustrating that something simple as putting the Portal tab in the first position or getting the Home tab in the first position.

There has to be a better way, maybe I am missing something because I am new at IPB if so please point me in the right direction.

If I haven't missed anything, please consider making it easier to drag and drop the order of the navigation tabs with out template edits.



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Core, Official, Third Party.

That's the order that the tabs will appear in. With the given exception that Official/Third Party will share spots (one from official, one from third party, etc.. until its done).

As for getting a third party to be at the far left, no, I have no clue how you could do that.

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Yeah, that's been pretty much what I read.. It would seem logical though to allow us to drag and drop the order of the tabs or at the very least, if you enable the Home tab or Portal Tab these should come first.

I should add, that the Home Tab when you fill in the URL of the site and the Site name does come first, but it doesn't highlight 'Green' like all the other Tabs. Had this highlighted like all the other Tabs I would be golden for now. (but would still like the ability to rearrange my tabs as needed) :)

Here's hoping someone has an answer for us....


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Thanks for the links Wolfie! I had found several threads about how to add a link via the templates, I had even seen a couple of these threads, but not all of them.

One of the threads you listed had a link to the Bug Tracker and it appears they fixed a problem with the ordering of them by assigning each link a number based on if it's a core, IPS or 3rd party but then the developer went on to say maybe they should look at giving the users control of the ordering.

With that, maybe it's in the works for us! :thumbsup:

Until then I will continue to mess around with editing a template to get it to work. The one problem I keep running into is when I add a link to the navigation bar, it shows up and works, but the User Panel menu stays in the dropped down position. I will have to play with it some more to see why it's doing that.

Thanks again for the links! At least I am not alone.. ;)


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