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Search Results Not Highlighting Short Words


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It seems as though only search terms that have at least three characters in them are being highlighted (eg red characters with a yellow background (class="searchlite")); search terms less than three characters are not getting highlighted. (My settings for Search Set-Up has the system using the Sphinx Search, using fulltext searching (although I don't think it applies to Sphinx Search), and its minimum search word length being 2 letters.)

It looks like line 4296 in admin/sources/base/core.php is keeping short words from being highlighted:

 	if( strpos( $highlight, '&quot;' ) === false AND strlen( $keywords ) < 3 )

Of course, I can hack the code to get around this, but I wonder if there's any way that the code can pull the minimum search word length in the settings to determine the shortest word to highlight?

Thank you.

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