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Latest IP Products RC's Released Today?

Kevin Leclair

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When we installed the latest release candidates on our beta website mentioned here, why did it also update our IP.Subscriptions to version 2.0.0 Beta 1? This has broken this feature via the "My Apps" section in the ACP now, it throws a database error...

Was this included in these releases by accident? I believe it was somehow bundled with the latest RC for IP.Blog. How do we fix our IP.Subscriptions so it is functioning again?

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I have heard some reports today that the Blog RC contains beta code for an upcoming release of subscription manager. I will look into it today. Thanks for reporting. :)

To fix IP.Subscriptions, you can uninstall it from the ACP, and then reupload the files from the main IPB zip, and reinstall it.

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Yeah, and it looks like he removed it from Downloads - but apparently it was also in Gallery/Blog and wasn't removed.

I've removed the non-functional subscription manager code from the Gallery and Blog RC releases. Thank you for pointing out the problem.

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Yeah, and it looks like he removed it from Downloads - but apparently it was also in Gallery/Blog and wasn't removed.

I've removed the non-functional subscription manager code from the Gallery and Blog RC releases. Thank you for pointing out the problem.

So, does that mean I can download the new package back? I am so eager to check new gallery RC2 release. :P
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I would recommend submitting a ticket. The ticket system should be used for any support issues.


@Ian You are correct and thats what they told me. RC releases are not supported. So, I guess I will just need to wait till they release final version. Learned the lesson hard way, never install RC release on the main site. Basically it worked on our test site and it was working here so I updated Gallery on our main site and with FURL it breaks the gallery links. :(
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You're right, my apologies. I didn't realize what topic I was in when I replied (I just saw you mention an issue with the furls and wasn't considering that this was to do with the RC releases).

Np. Waiting for the final release of gallery or I hope Josh decides to post fix in the tracker. :)
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