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Download: Steam Profiles Tab 3.0.4

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File Name: Steam Profiles Tab 3.0.4
File Submitter: rct2

  • Replies 68
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This module relies on there being a custom profile field on your board. This must have a Field Key called 'rctsteam'. The mod reads the value of this field and uses it to get the Steam Profile from steamcommunity.com so that it can be displayed in IP.Board.

Here are some screenshots of the profile field that I created.


I have found that Steamids are all 17 digits long, hence the Expected Input Format above.

If you want this profile field to be displayed in Topic Views so that it shows a llink to the steam profile, use this code:


Finally, here is the 'help' I put into the custom profile field to explain to Members how they can find out their steamID


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To be clear, the Steam Id that you must type into the custom profile field is the Steam Community Id. This is not the same as your Steam Id that you use to login. To find your Steam Community Id, login to Steam using your Steam Id, click the Community tab, then the home icon. The Steam Community Id appears in the URL. It is a 17-digit number.



You may want to take a look at the code attached to that post. It is possible to convert steamid's into community id's. The whole topic is about it but that specific post is what you need. We ask all member's to enter their steamid's for multiple reasons and having them add the community id as well seems redundent.


This dont work, i truy installed but i cant opened setting and i cant opened on board tab.

installation process very good, but after i cant nothing open :(

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You may want to take a look at the code attached to that post. It is possible to convert steamid's into community id's. The whole topic is about it but that specific post is what you need. We ask all member's to enter their steamid's for multiple reasons and having them add the community id as well seems redundent.


I've already seen that post. :) Look at all those manual edits you have to do, compared with my installable mod. :)

To quote the very beginning of that post:

Since I've received several requests for a vBulletin plugin, I decided to provide one which covers the basics and can be modified at will. I'll leave modification, optimization and styling to you.

That's my sentiment exactly. This IP.Board mod is deliberately very basic, infinitely talorable for language and skin. The code is also very well commented IMHO. So feel free to use the code in that post to mod my mod to convert the steam id to the community id :P

Edit: I confess I'm not an active Steam user, and all Steam games I own, I've only ever run in single-player mode. So from a personal (almost) outsider perspective, it seems an awful lot easier to find your Steam community id than it does to find your Steam ID (start game, open console, type command. Or download this Windows app, install it and run it). But I appreciate that Steam ID is also important to know for an awful lot of other reasons.

In the next version, I'll take a look at this, but do feel free to edit the code I've provided to make it fit your needs.
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To keep this discussion in one place, Joshua's link above contains some code to convert a STEAMID to a Community (or 'friend') id.

This link is the code to convert a Community ID into a STEAMID http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=586872&postcount=54

And this code will take a STEAMID, friendID or customURL to return the STEAMID http://forums.alliedmods.net/showpost.php?p=750532&postcount=118

(However that last link seems to think that the STEAMID has the format: STEAM_0:X:XXXX whereas my STEAMID has the format STEAM_0:X:XXXXXXX :unsure:)

This dont work, i truy installed but i cant opened setting and i cant opened on board tab.

installation process very good, but after i cant nothing open :(

Same here :(
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This dont work, i truy installed but i cant opened setting and i cant opened on board tab.

installation process very good, but after i cant nothing open :(

Same here :(

Please describe step-bystep what you are doing. The mod most certainly DOES work. :) I can only assume that you are not installing it correctly and/or not adding the custom profile field afterwards.

Installation > Manage Applications & Modules > Process Complet!

But i cant opened > Steam profiles in my admin panel > My apps! When i click on "Steam profiles" i return on "My Dashboard".

Same problem on board, i have in header button "Steam profiles" and when i click on it, i'm return on index page...

I have created field etc... nothing work! just in my profile legacy i see link steam page.

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OK good

But i cant opened > Steam profiles in my admin panel > My apps! When i click on "Steam profiles" i return on "My Dashboard".

That's correct. There is nothing on the admin side that this application displays.

Same problem on board, i have in header button "Steam profiles" and when i click on it, i'm return on index page...

That is also correct. I said in the download 'Known Issues' section that this happens, and that you need to hide that tab. There is nothing on the public side of the board that runs when you click on the tab, so it needs to be hidden.

I have created field etc... nothing work! just in my profile legacy i see link steam page.

Not sure what you mean by by 'profile legacy'. What you should see is a 'Steam' tab in every members' profile when you view their profile. Clicking that tab will display Steam information about the member. based on the id they have have input into the custom field. If they have put nothing in the profile field, there is nothing to display.

I hope that helps.

got it, the custom profile field instructions was not added at the download file.

To keep this discussion in one place, Joshua's link above contains some code to convert a STEAMID to a Community (or 'friend') id.

(However that last link seems to think that the STEAMID has the format: STEAM_0:X:XXXX whereas my STEAMID has the format STEAM_0:X:XXXXXXX :unsure:)

STEAM_0:#:#### = a "four digit" Steam ID, which is indeed valid and correct. One of my friends has one like this.

My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:#:########.
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My Steam ID is: STEAM_0:#:########.

Thanks for confirming this. I will need to ensure that the code at those links is able to handle STEAM_0:X:XXXXXX before I think about incorporating it into the mod.

When I view the user's profile page, and click on the Steam tab it displays this error:

Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: URL file-access is disabled in the server configuration in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/81715/domains/sidefxgaming.com/html/community/admin/applications_addon/other/rctsteam/sources/classes/class_rctsteam.php on line 90

Warning: simplexml_load_file(http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968493498?xml=1) [function.simplexml-load-file]: failed to open stream: no suitable wrapper could be found in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/81715/domains/sidefxgaming.com/html/community/admin/applications_addon/other/rctsteam/sources/classes/class_rctsteam.php on line 90

Warning: simplexml_load_file() [function.simplexml-load-file]: I/O warning : failed to load external entity "http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197968493498?xml=1" in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/81715/domains/sidefxgaming.com/html/community/admin/applications_addon/other/rctsteam/sources/classes/class_rctsteam.php on line 90

Fatal error: Call to a member function children() on a non-object in /nfs/c03/h05/mnt/81715/domains/sidefxgaming.com/html/community/admin/applications_addon/other/rctsteam/sources/classes/class_rctsteam.php on line 94

Any ideas?
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The mod fetches an xmlfile from the Steam Community on line 90 of the code.

Your server has a setting on it that does not allow this.

The mod will not work without this, you need to talk to your host about why the server is set up this way.

  • 2 weeks later...

I had the same error with function.simplexml-load-file disabled.

@ rct2: Can you modify the script to retrieve the file (.xml) with curl and then use the xml functions on it locally? Or a alternative way, if i had this function off?

I didn't see how this works, but i think that in the member page shows the steam info like in the first topic of this thread. It works for me only in topicview, but look ugly the whole code there. Is there any way to show in the topicview like in the profile page? Thanks.

can we please get a screenshot of the mod itself, instead of just the ACP parts? :)

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can we please get a screenshot of the mod itself, instead of just the ACP parts? :)

The screenshot of the mod is included in the download section, rather than this support topic. :)

Edit: Or it would be, but the new download system seems to have broken screenshot display. While that is fixed, here's a couple of early screenshots from my private gallery of what is displayed in a member profile. The red highlighted rectangles do not display, they are drawn on these shots to highlight clickable areas on the profile that link back to the Steam Community to display more data.



Disclaimer: These are screeshots taken during development to provoke discussions I was having with the original requesters of the mod. The final screens are slightly different, but the mod includes a skin file, so you may change this layout as you wish.
  • 2 weeks later...

I love this mod, It was just what I needed. Thank you

  • 3 weeks later...

On my website, I use this to convert Steam ID to Community ID :

$steamid = "STEAM_0:0:1234567";

$serv = substr($steamid,8,1);

$id = substr($steamid,10);

$comunityid = bcadd("76561197960265728",$id*2+$serv);

Try it, it work's ;)
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From what I've read, that will work for one type of STEAM id, but there is more than one type.

Also, the last line will not work if your PHP install hasn't been compiled with the bcmath library.

Could you tell me how to delete this "friends since numbers" ? I'm posting picture to explain it :

Hi, I have a problem. If user provide steam id, it works perfect, but when user won't give steam id in profile number of errors appears. Take a look of this, this is an example user profile - just go to STEAM tab and errors are on top.

  • 3 weeks later...

How do I uninstall?

I clicked "Remove Application" and it says it has uninstalled in the ACP but the "STEAM" tab is still there...


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