Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
February 6, 201015 yr what now? :blink: me and andy spent almost 2 days working on pagination alone. we were totally stumped how to skin it. pagination has more bugs associated with it than the rest of the arcade does right now. >_< IP.Board has built-in support for pagination. Here's a quick example:/* Page jump */ $st = ( $this->request['st'] > 0 ) ? intval( $this->request['st'] ) : 0; $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems' => $total_items, 'itemsPerPage' => $per_page, 'currentStartValue' => $st, 'baseUrl' => "app=iArcade", ) ); Then, just pass $pages to the skin template. :)
February 6, 201015 yr IP.Board has built-in support for pagination. Here's a quick example:/* Page jump */ $st = ( $this->request['st'] > 0 ) ? intval( $this->request['st'] ) : 0; $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems' => $total_items, 'itemsPerPage' => $per_page, 'currentStartValue' => $st, 'baseUrl' => "app=iArcade", ) ); Then, just pass $pages to the skin template. :) You are God. Where were you when we needed you?
February 6, 201015 yr I cant keep track of how many times I have said that we support v2 games ONLY at this time. From what I have researched, there are over 4,000 games in the v2 format from and only 2,000 in the v32 category. v32 introduced a new scoring method that "locked in" games in a sense, as an anti-cheat method. Until I can get the coding sorted in order to parse this encoded scoring information, right now only support for v2 games is provided. As andy said, beta signups are now closed. We will be contacting members shortly! Well I only just heard about your arcade in a thread asking for an arcade for ipb and in that it did not say any thing about not supporting v32 games but it did say it supported the games for ipbarcade so I assumed it supported v2, v3 and v32. This topic only came to light for me an the blog entry today.
February 6, 201015 yr ---Suggestion----, remove the huge yellow Welcome user... remove the requirement to click view game list, and go straight to game list What do you think? I suggested the same thing in one of my posts.
February 6, 201015 yr Well I only just heard about your arcade in a thread asking for an arcade for ipb and in that it did not say any thing about not supporting v32 games but it did say it supported the games for ipbarcade so I assumed it supported v2, v3 and v32. This topic only came to light for me an the blog entry today. Understood. Just so everyone is clear, this only supports v2 scoring right now. (im working on fixing it.) I suggested the same thing in one of my posts. More users posting the same thing encourages me to know what a majority wants. remove the huge yellow Welcome user... I will not "remove" this, however, I am considering making it an on/off admin configurable setting. :thumbsup: remove the requirement to click view game list, and go straight to game list The welcome screen, in the future, will be the "Game CP" where your favorites and top scores will be presented. If other users agree that the default page should be the game list, and not the game CP, I will change it. Otherwise, it can easily be added as a setting :thumbsup:
February 6, 201015 yr I will not "remove" this, however, I am considering making it an on/off admin configurable setting. :thumbsup: I would muuch prefer it if users could close it just in case I use it as a arcade news box. Basically make it calculable.
February 6, 201015 yr More users posting the same thing encourages me to know what a majority wants. I know I was letting him know I agree. The welcome screen, in the future, will be the "Game CP" where your favorites and top scores will be presented. If other users agree that the default page should be the game list, and not the game CP, I will change it. Otherwise, it can easily be added as a setting :thumbsup: I am one who would like it to go to the game list.
February 6, 201015 yr I am one who would like it to go to the game list. And others like the game info page, I myself like the games CP. And so, without further ado, the first official checked in code change for BETA 5! Is that what you wanted?
February 6, 201015 yr Pretty cool. What would be even better if that was also user/ member selectable. Leave the admin cp option but also make it so members can choose.
February 6, 201015 yr BETA 4 USERS: QUICK FIXES YOU MAY NEED: After tinkering more with the beta process, a few users have informed me of some bugs that were quickly squashed. In order to continue to provide you with an un-interrupted beta experience, I have posted "quick fixes" you can apply to your beta as a workaround for these known bugs.Game score listing is out of order for some gamesAfter submitting a score, a blank white page shows upACP Description editor causes SQL errorsAs always, please continue reporting bugs via either PM or on our tracker. Thanks to everyone for helping! :thumbsup: -Collin PS: Even if you did not get in on this beta, we will be launching beta testing round 2 (beta5) in about a week. It will contain all the bug fixes from beta4 as well as some of the final finishing touches on features, and the final enhancements (default homepage, gamecp, favorites, game comments)
February 6, 201015 yr As always, thanks for the heads up on the iArcade development process Collin. :thumbsup: I like the most recent changes you made to give us the choice to choose between the homepage or game list to be the default Collin. After going through the clip several times and pausing to check details, I wanted to ask you what were your plans for the homepage' layout? Reason I ask is because as I was looking at the clip, a layout for some sort of 'arcade portal' came to mind. You know, with maybe sections for: > Recently Added Games > Popular Games > Top 10 Players > Player of the Month > etc. If the homepage had that type or similar layout, then it would look pretty nice. Or you can try for the best of both worlds and have the main page with the 'arcade portal' section at the top portion of the page and the beginning of the games list right below it. However, if the originally planned homepage wasn't going to have much information on it, then you could also simplify it by simply adding the games list right below it? These, of course, are only suggestions for future beta releases. As I've said, I really like the last clip of updates, looking more and more alive as your work progresses, great job guys. :thumbsup:
February 6, 201015 yr As always, thanks for the heads up on the iArcade development process Collin. :thumbsup: I like the most recent changes you made to give us the choice to choose between the homepage or game list to be the default Collin. After going through the clip several times and pausing to check details, I wanted to ask you what were your plans for the homepage' layout? Reason I ask is because as I was looking at the clip, a layout for some sort of 'arcade portal' came to mind. You know, with maybe sections for: > Recently Added Games > Popular Games > Top 10 Players > Player of the Month > etc. If the homepage had that type or similar layout, then it would look pretty nice. Or you can try for the best of both worlds and have the main page with the 'arcade portal' section at the top portion of the page and the beginning of the games list right below it. However, if the originally planned homepage wasn't going to have much information on it, then you could also simplify it by simply adding the games list right below it? These, of course, are only suggestions for future beta releases. As I've said, I really like the last clip of updates, looking more and more alive as your work progresses, great job guys. :thumbsup: I appreciate your well thought out and detailed post. :thumbsup: As for the points made,as you can see in that video, I have something called a "game cp" planned. The game cp will list your favorites, your most recent scores, your personal most played games, and games that you have a "titled ranking" in. Here is what I imagine it will look like. (WARNING: I AM NOT AN ARTIST/GRAPHIC DESIGNER!:blink:) I'll be honest with you guys, alot of features get thought up and added because I just think of them. I just went "oh! comments!" and then there were comments. So without your feedback, im kinda lost. I really appreciate it! There are some things that I really want to work on, like a challenge system, that have the coding in place but the interface just isnt there to make it happen. I think a "game cp" will solve this problem. Lots and lots of features are still in the pipeline, but the pipeline has a control valve on it so me and Andy can release them slowly. ;)
February 6, 201015 yr Actually, this "game cp" you speak of is a great idea. Is that the iArcade's homepage you originally was planning on designing? If so, that would look pretty cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding :blush: A 'Tournament System' is also a great idea Collin. It would make things interesting to have members going at it for best score. :thumbsup: I hope that those who are testing the beta version of the iArcade would share their feedback with us too. ;) The more people post their feedbacks, the more interest this project will create. This iArcade is actually #1 on my site's "Next Major Feature" list. :cool:
February 6, 201015 yr what now? :blink: me and andy spent almost 2 days working on pagination alone. we were totally stumped how to skin it. pagination has more bugs associated with it than the rest of the arcade does right now. >_< IP.Board has built-in support for pagination. Here's a quick example:/* Page jump */ $st = ( $this->request['st'] > 0 ) ? intval( $this->request['st'] ) : 0; $pages = $this->registry->output->generatePagination( array( 'totalItems' => $total_items, 'itemsPerPage' => $per_page, 'currentStartValue' => $st, 'baseUrl' => "app=iArcade", ) ); Then, just pass $pages to the skin template. :) :lol: i know the feeling, i to spent ages writing functions to later find that IPB already has its own built in function to achieve the same thing lol
February 6, 201015 yr Author Took forever to sort out the pagination, thats annoyed me to find its as easy as what Micheal said lol
February 6, 201015 yr There are some things that I really want to work on, like a challenge system, I have been meaning to ask about that. I know that both the ipbarcade versions do the challenges different. I prefer the way ipbcodings work. On his the admin sets up a challenge and members play to see who wins the challenge. I personally use it daily and plan to give out prizes for those who win the daily challenge. A tournament system would also be nice. also thinking about it like on face book games were you can challenge another member in a game that would be nice and that is the way the challenge system works for the other ipbarcade.
February 6, 201015 yr Author A challenge and tournament system would be a good addition :D maybe we'll see it in a future version ;)
February 6, 201015 yr what will be the fee for this new arcade? I cant wait to add it to my forum. Yes Tournaments are especially fun with large groups! Thanks for the effort in all this, it is amazing, the level of talent you all have. :thumbsup:
February 6, 201015 yr Actually, this "game cp" you speak of is a great idea. Is that the iArcade's homepage you originally was planning on designing? If so, that would look pretty cool. Sorry for the misunderstanding :blush: Thats been my plan all along, however we are rolling out new features slowly in rounds of beta testing. It allows me to fix old bugs before making new features and creating new bugs. A 'Tournament System' is also a great idea Collin. It would make things interesting to have members going at it for best score. :thumbsup: I agree. And as for the user who told me how their "tornaments" are set up, I am still researching the best way to run them. I think user created will be the way I choose. I hope that those who are testing the beta version of the iArcade would share their feedback with us too. ;) The more people post their feedbacks, the more interest this project will create. This iArcade is actually #1 on my site's "Next Major Feature" list. :cool: I need feedback too! Without it, im stuck. Its the users feedback that helps me know where to do things. what will be the fee for this new arcade? I cant wait to add it to my forum. iArcade will be 100% free to active IPS customers.
February 6, 201015 yr I like the User chosen Tournament. I tried it the other way and it is just hard to get every one rounded up to even start one.
February 6, 201015 yr I like the User chosen Tournament. I tried it the other way and it is just hard to get every one rounded up to even start one. Thats what Im learning in researching some boards with other arcades. I think user-to-user "challenges" will be the first feature I support, followed by board-wide "tournaments". Expect to see one of them in an upcoming beta. :thumbsup:
February 6, 201015 yr Author I am really happy with the work that Collin has made, and I am really happy how I have skinned it. Feedback will help me and Collin fixing bugs and adding new features to future versions.
February 6, 201015 yr Commenting is now fully working in all its awesomeness! Check it out here:
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