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Download: Bouncy Blizzard


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File Name: Bouncy Blizzard
File Submitter: AnthonyKinson
File Submitted: 28 Nov 2009
File Updated: 02 Dec 2010
File Category: Hooks and Plugins

Bouncy Blizzard
Highly customizable cross browser snow script.


  • Adjust Character used for snow
  • Adjust Snow Colour
  • Adjust Snow Sticking (fallen snow stick to bottom of container)
  • Adjust snow twinkling effect
  • Members can change wind speed / direction
  • Members can switch off the blizzard
  • Define where the blizzard will show by Full Screen / ID String or DOM node refference
  • PLUS... many more performance and control features!

Demo: http://dev.bouncyservers.co.uk (i have localised the snow to my banner area)


Click here to download this file
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the snow piles up if you have "snow sticking" turned on.

Snow bottom is to adjust in pixels the "bottom" of the container.

for example, if you used the id='branding' part in order to have it snow only in yoru logo area, but wanted the snow to land say 50 pixels above the bottom of the banner area, you would set "snow bottom" to 50

this is handy if you have a themed skin which has a thick border or styling at the bottom of the branding area, or if you want the snow full page but want it to land at a higher position.

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the snow piles up if you have "snow sticking" turned on.

Snow bottom is to adjust in pixels the "bottom" of the container.

for example, if you used the id='branding' part in order to have it snow only in yoru logo area, but wanted the snow to land say 50 pixels above the bottom of the banner area, you would set "snow bottom" to 50

this is handy if you have a themed skin which has a thick border or styling at the bottom of the branding area, or if you want the snow full page but want it to land at a higher position.

Oh, ok...I have sticky turned on, but it doesn't seem to pile up.

Another odd thing is on my default theme...the snow lands about 25 pixels up from the bottom of the header, but works perfect on my other themes (all have the same size header)
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the 25 pixels below your banner area will have a different style id, use this id instead of id='branding'

generally the snow will always fall from the top of the page and land at the bottom of the container.

as for the snow piling up, it should land and stick to the bottom of the container, BUT it will "melt" away aswell when the limit of active snow is reached.

you can raise the amount of snow that stays on screen before melting away in the settings, BUT rasing the values to have more snow on the screen can increase CPU load for viewers so adjust with caution.

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Just wanted to say I love the idea.

Me too :)

I did read somewhere (unless I imagined it) that you were going to make the "Stop Snowing" setting cookie based so that it did not start snowing again when a user changes page. Any progress? or did I just imagine it? :)
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The snow seems to sometimes freeze for me on firefox, I switch over to IE and it works fine, but whenever it reaches the main section of the forum it sorta just stops in its tracks until i move the mouse, basically as long as my mouse is in constant motion it works fine, but the second i stop moving my mouse it freezes in that section. until after a while it just jumps out.

Its very odd since it was working fine the first few days i had it installed then suddenly started acting odd, even tried reinstalling the hook. That said however it does not happen all the time, many times it works perfectly fine, not sure why sometimes it does not.

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Just wanted to say I love the idea.

Thanks :)

Thanks for this it is great!

Is there any way to turn the control panel off at the top?

the actual panel no, other than uninstalling it, v1.0.1 has an option to completly disable the snow, but the panel remains incase members wish to switch it back on.

How can we make the snow bigger please, its just too small, Thank you.

Try a different character in the settings


should be fine, where as


can be rather small

The snow seems to sometimes freeze for me on firefox, I switch over to IE and it works fine, but whenever it reaches the main section of the forum it sorta just stops in its tracks until i move the mouse, basically as long as my mouse is in constant motion it works fine, but the second i stop moving my mouse it freezes in that section. until after a while it just jumps out.

Its very odd since it was working fine the first few days i had it installed then suddenly started acting odd, even tried reinstalling the hook. That said however it does not happen all the time, many times it works perfectly fine, not sure why sometimes it does not.

This sounds like a CPU & Memory issues on your PC / Firefox.

A few people have said that firefox has some memory issues sometimes, personally i have no problem with it but i'm running a high end pc with a phenom quad core cpu and 4 gig (2 x 2GB 1066) memory so its pretty hard for me to lag it out to test.
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A few people have said that firefox has some memory issues sometimes, personally i have no problem with it but i'm running a high end pc with a phenom quad core cpu and 4 gig (2 x 2GB 1066) memory so its pretty hard for me to lag it out to test.

Well im running a quad 2.6ghz quad core with 6gig of ram, its only with firefox though, so ya maybe just something with how firefox handles it. Noticed with firefox the collapsing of forum sections is not always smooth also so must be more firefox than anything.

In any case the new version looks good, glad we got an option to disable. Keep of the good work!

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Did you misspell blizzard?

nah, a few people have asked this, its actually an Anagram
"Bouncy Blizard"
"Cozily Dun Barb"

Cozily - meaning comfort (warmth oh house with the snow is comforting) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/cozily
Dun - as in the light grey / brown colour (the colour of the snow round here usually) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/dun
Barb - as in hook (its a hook) http://www.thefreedictionary.com/barb
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