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inconsistent results....

Ocean West

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I use this link:

Today's Active Content

Which in my opinion seems buried at the bottom of the main forum index. And not visible anywhere else as a link on other pages.
I'd rather have that at the top left in lieu of "View New Content" from what i can tell has many in uproar over the feature.

Once there it shows all the entries the tabs then displayed are

Help Files | Forums | Members | Blogs | Calendar | Gallery | Customer Resources | Community Downloads

Now if I perform a Quick Search the results page shows the order of the tabs as...

Forums | Members | Help Files | Blogs | Calendar | Gallery | Customer Resources | Community Downloads

The tabs should remain consistent.

The results of the search presents a topic PREVIEW showing a few hundred characters surrounding the term supplied.

I want that PREVIEW showing the first few hundred characters from the topic/post for the link above.

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I added the "View Todays Active Content" link so that it appears next to the "View new content" link.

The template to edit is Global Templates > globalTemplate


Hope this helps.



Paste after:

<li><a href="{parse url="app=core&amp;module=search&amp;do=active" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['today_active_cont']}">{$this->lang->words['new_active_cont']}</a></li>
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