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Just been looking thought my trashcan and there are a couple of posts and threads that have been deleted by staff that I would like to restore.

Is it possible:

[*]to see who deleted the post/thread [*]force a reason for deletion comment [*]allow an admin (or approved group) to restore the post/thread back to where it came from (currently it looks like you have to move it back and therefore guess the location)

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[quote name='TCWT' date='17 October 2009 - 11:23 PM' timestamp='1255821813' post='1868166']
When it's deleted, add it to the log in View Topic History.

view topic history doesn't tell you where the topic came from only when it was deleted, which leaves the mod logs to cross reference.

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Why not only give them permission to set them invisable and not delete. Then you can make the final decision on whether they need deleting first.

Thats how it works on my forum, the person who makes it invisable puts a post up in the mods section to say its been done and the reason they think it needs to be deleted. And a final decision is made by the admin team.


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