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Download: IpbWiki Free v2.0.5 - Ipb Wiki for Invision Power Board 2.0


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File Name: IpbWiki Free v2.0.5 - Ipb Wiki for Invision Power Board 2.0
File Submitter: Pⅇter
File Submitted: 30 Apr 2007
File Category: Integration Modules

Add a true wiki to your Invision Power Board 2.0 :)

What is a wiki?
A wiki is a browser based collaborative writing environment, in which a community may amass and exchange information on particular topics, and to which anyone may contribute without needing any web programming skills. In other words a wiki is a piece of software that is used for colaborative content creation.

When to use a wiki?
A wiki can have many purposes, how you want to use it, is up to you, the webmaster, some of the most common uses are:

  • Article Manager
  • Knowledge base
  • Frequently asked questions
  • Course Management
  • Project Management
  • Family History
  • Planning
  • Content Management System
  • Brainstorming
  • ...
IpbWiki Features
IpbWiki's main feature is a login bridge between MediaWiki and Invision Power Board, in doing so it links two of the best applications in their own field together and makes it appear as you are working with a single application.

  • Login with your forum username from within the wiki
  • Define group permissions from within your Admin CP Control Panel
  • Easy Installation: no manual file-edits required, the installer does all the edits
Wiki Features:
  • Free links: Article names can contain spaces and/or other special characters.
  • Namespaces: Namespaces are prefixes before a page title (like "User:" or "Talk:") which allow a page to exist under multiple names, but serving different purposes depending on their prefix. For instance, a page "[[The Terminator]]" could describe the 1984 movie starring Arnold Schwarzenegger, while a page "[[User:The Terminator]]" could be a profile describing a user who chooses this name as a pseudonym
  • Subpages: In addition to namespaces, pages can be structured using subpages. This simple feature provides automatic backlinks from a page of the pattern [[Page title/Subpage title]] to the component before the slash (in this case, "Page title").
  • Categories: the wiki supports user-created categories. These are similar to tags used in many web applications, but hierarchical and descriptive. In large wikis like Wikipedia, very complex hierarchies have grown using this system without any central planning.
  • Templates: Templates are text blocks which can be dynamically loaded inside another page whenever that page is requested. Templates support parameters, so that parts of the text can be substituted for each specific use case. Templates have found many different uses, such as: Creating complex table layouts which are used consistently across multiple pages, sending users standard messages when they are blocked from editing, when their behavior is considered inappropriate, and so on...
  • Media Content: the software is very powerful at dealing with a wide variety of uploaded media files. Its richest functionality is in the area of images, where image galleries and thumbnails can be generated with relative ease.
  • Easy article editing: The editing toolbar makes you don't have to remember any wiki codes
  • Sections: support for editing a small section of a page so that managing/editing long articles is easier.
  • Rich Content: supports rich content generated through specialized syntax. For example, the software comes with support for rendering mathematical formulas using LaTeX and a special parser written in OCaml. Similar functionality for other content, ranging from graphical timelines over mathematical plotting and musical scores to Egyptian hieroglyphs, is available in the form of extensions.
  • Editable Interface: The entire MediaWiki user interface can be edited through the wiki itself by users with the necessary permissions (typically so-called "administrators"). This is done through a special namespace with the prefix "MediaWiki:", where each page title identifies a particular user interface message.
  • Easily extendable with extensions
  • Multilingual: the user interface has been translated in more than 70 languages
  • Scalability: MediaWiki is used by some of the largest websites on the internet such as Wikipedia, scalability is important, this is achieved by multiple layers of caching and database replication.
  • Customizable Interface: users can customize their stylesheets and configure client-side JavaScript to be executed with every pageview. On Wikipedia, this has led to a large number of additional tools and helpers developed through the wiki and shared among users. For instance, Lupin's navigation popups is a custom JavaScript tool that shows previews of articles when the user hovers over links, and also provides shortcuts for common maintenance tasks. Another example is wikEd, a full-featured MediaWiki-integrated text editor that provides syntax highlighting and search and replace functions.
IpbWiki Free is the free version of IpbWiki: you may use it on as many sites as you wish and distribute it freely (but you may not charge for this distribution). To see an up to date list of differences between the free and the full version you can click here

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