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Ulitmate IPB

Guest PeterJ

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If it is all right with IPS team I invite here all members of IPS community to post here what is or would be the ultimate request or feature that IPB team should fix or develop for IPB to become the best IPB version ever. Think of it as the complete and ideal or "Terminator" version of IPB. Please note this is only our wish list and a simple guide for IPB team on what is important for us their customers. At the very end please state your last price you would pay for this ultimate but complete version of IPB.

Here is my list:

- Legendary IPB forum
- one official color adaptable version of fixed and fluid dark skin (100% complete for use with official IP plugins)
- one official color adaptable version of fixed and fluid light skin (100% complete for use with official IP plugins)
- 100% SEO
- official promo solution adaptable for forum use and portal use (banners and adds on portal and in forums)
- official subscription and simple shopping cart solution
- official portfolio solution:
Last 640X480px size image or video plugin for front page display (on forum index or IPB Portal)
Last 10 image or video plugin (thumbs) for front page display (on forum index or IPB Portal)

- official IPB portal system
- official IPB portal article system
- official IPB news system
- official IPB tutorials system
- official IPB gallery system
- official IPB blog system
- official IPB downloads system including torrents
- official IPB shoutbox
- official IPB support system
- official IPB wiki system
- official IPB links system
- official IPB legendary support

I would pay +500 USD for all of these official features if all available in one complete suite.

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Your wishlist is not so bad & you would need to think about the price, I'm guess they are not going to get 500$ for those features, it may cost at least over than 800$.

However, you could also be as a premium member on 'invisionmodding' , invisionbyte, invision brazil , dscripting , etc...

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Half of the modifications he listed are officially done, If he did purchase one of them from a third party site then yes he could get support, But given trough the site he bought it from. Regardless of that this is not what he meant by opening this topic. He wanted the entire list to be a built in feature into the IPB core, Which i Doubt if this will even taken seriously by the staff. Those features are meant to be as additions to the software, not built in.

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Those features are meant to be as additions to the software, not built in.

I was referring to official plugins. Like IP Gallery or IP Blog.

We the "end users" are not gurus and we don't have endless time nor money to throw for excellent but semi finished skins, plugins, mods that are always in development, beta, alfa, omega, RC you name it stage. Right now we have an excellent software but it is much crippled buy these dispersed, poor organized and untested features al over the internet. It is fine if you developers can live with this type of organization but we the normal end users are left alone and only few of you guys normally help us.

There are several open source forum solutions out there and I have tested some of them. While they all work only in their free time the organization level and efficiency is sometimes way better then this one. Please note this is not a lamentation thread. It is a sincere point of view that is not near equal to your developers view. Can you understand that? It is intended as constructive suggestion that in my honest opinion could enhance all IP world.

I'll pay even 1000 USD for this ultimate type of IPB version but it has to be 100% official, manageable, organized, tested, supported with IP legendary support and ready for production websites. That's it. Now do I expect too much here?
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I think this thread was supposed to be more your personal ideal than actual suggestions.

I'd like to see a feature that automatically sends me PMs with compliments every now and again.

It is my ideal (read the first post) and I just invented it to make you guys irritated.
I can understand your sarcastic reaction since this is a direct hit to your way of doing things when it comes to a honest critique from IPS client. I could understand this from other users but not from IPS stuff. I'll end this debate since I don't want to be banned from this forum. Instead I'll make you happy and after new year I am going, like many other customers before me, to another more professional community. I can see you guys don't care to any honest suggestion that is not in sinc with your vision.

In terms of modifications, for all those listed my company would quote a ballpark of $12,000.

Dude You can get almost all of it for free at IP direct competition. Damn we are so "stupid" for not paying you 12.000 USD....
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Better to pay $12,000 from a reputable company that will stand behind their work than getting stuff for free from some kids who may give up working on one of the modifications they produced at any time. Ever heard of the term "you get what you pay for"?

And in regards to your comment directed to Mark, you need to lighten up. I'm still not sure what the intent of this topic was, but IPS will almost certainly never produce something like what you wanted. Mark was just making a joke, not making fun of you.

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Dude You can get almost all of it for free at IP direct competition. Damn we are so "stupid" for not paying you 12.000 USD....

I can't really tell if you're implying that I'm calling you stupid for assuming it would be $500 for those mods, or if you're saying that our customers are stupid for paying $12k for that much work.

If it's the latter, Michael put it best: you get what you pay for. For $1,000 you might get a hobby coder that can't provide support or has to juggle your request with others by themselves. For $12k you get a small business with the resources to put an entire team on your project, and that has done business with some of America's top corporations.

And I'm not calling you stupid for assuming it would be only X amount, mods are hard to price and can change wildly depending on who you are working with, what market and budget you have, etc.
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It is my ideal ([b]read the first post[/b]) and I just invented it to make you guys irritated.

I can understand your sarcastic reaction since this is a direct hit to your way of doing things when it comes to a honest critique from IPS client. I could understand this from other users but not from IPS stuff. I'll end this debate since I don't want to be banned from this forum. Instead [b]I'll make you happy[/b] and after new year I am going, like many other customers before me, to another more professional community. I can see you guys don't care to any honest suggestion that is not in sinc with your vision.

I'm sorry that you interpreted what I said that way, if I offended you I do apologise.

I thought you wanted other people to respond with their "ideals", and I thought that other members were just attacking you rather than what the thread was intended for.

The point of my post was just to try and get everyone to chill out a little, and stop being critical of you. Like I said, if you didn't read it that way and I offended you, I am sorry, but that was not my intention.
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This would be great if the average user had a disposal source of income. The average user doesn't. IPB best source income though comes from the purchases of IPB licenses. There are only 3 things on your list that 6 of my clients and myself would use. The only reason that there is a large amount of users who use Wiki, Portals, Blogs, etc is that they are free. They were developed by 3rd parties and supported by them letting users choose just what they needed and only needed.

Now if you were to say there is an official version of IP software that has all those things, sure there are a few people that would purchase it. However the majority people would still go for free versions because a lot of people (other than business sites) are lucky to afford the initial license purchase in the first place.

So to the average person that small percentage might seem great, that is more income for IP as a company from a marketing standpoint it isn't. When you take in the cost of programmers time, salaries to test, program and implement official versions. Which means they either have to increase staff or take people off of other projects and by doing so delaying other timely releases of their main product. On top of that they'd have to increase their support, which is more salaries because since they support more products they have to be able to handle the wave of issues coming at them. Which kind of defeats the whole community purpose of 3rd party sites in the first place which kind of help takes the strain off the main company.

The fact is that although you as a person would pay that and you might get 100 people here to post they would pay that. 100 people is by far not the majority of licenses holders/users that IP has. For every 1 user that posts on theses forums there are another 100 that don't post or even come here. Most of that stuff is bloatware for them that they wouldn't even touch.

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I'm sorry that you interpreted what I said that way, if I offended you I do apologise.

No need to apologise. Just read my first post again and hopefully you all will see that my post was sincere suggestion to improve all IP in general. After all it says at the top of this forum: Have a suggestion or feedback? Post it here. Thanks! So I did.

To prove even more that you developers should change some things in IP world is the simple fact (as illustrative example) that there is no button "Buy a drink to AndyF for all of his help". I am serious on this one. I can't donate some money to this guy for all of his help with my website. I would buy a drink to others that helped me as wall but I can't since there is no way of doing it. Think of it: A simple but effective mod that would count drinks (or chocolates if you want) that your users or real website friends buy you for all of your help that you provide for them. Put this mod as some sort of drinks or whatever counter on the front page of your website and in forum posts and I bet 100 bucks that you all would get more USD "drinks" in this way than in ordinary PayPal donations.

Once again I am only suggestion you guys to change something so that you all benefit from it. Make things in IP more reliable, stable and organized with end user interaction in mind and you will all benefit from this. That's my five cents....
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I don't disagree with your suggestion per say. Honestly it would be nice to have officially supported what I refer to as "typical mod packages". The main reason is because every time a new version comes out, people tend to have to wait a few weeks to months before upgrading because of the time it takes to adapt the mods. Since most of the people do them for free on their free time, which I am thankful for and have donated to quite a few people as well as outsourced for certain programming needs.

But from a realistic stand point it wouldn't be possible to see this come to light unless there was going to be more funding or increase in product costs to allow the ability to hire more programmers, techs, etc to support expanding their product base.

I think it would be more realistic though for a group of people both 3rd party as well as IP Dev to look at some of the typical forum mods like Wiki, Portal, Downloads, etc and see about creating or standardizing the way they integrate into IP Products to prevent the constant need of rewriting modules when a new version comes out. Don't get me wrong though there has been a step in this direction with how they have done some of their modules and it is getting better. It is nice to wish it would happen sooner though ^_^ but I'm a realist (which my wife says I'm a pessimist).

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I was hoping more IP users would put some sincere thought on this but unfortunately they didn't. It seem to me am the only one around here who is not a coder or IP guru in one way or another. I thought it would be nice if IP world reorganizes it self to be more productive, organized so it can compete with the competition and most of all is more attractive to new customers. Right now at least from my modest point of view you guys are way dispersed all over internet, your mods are excellent but most of time half finished and not easily adaptable to all users needs. Even worse! I can find in one place of internet an official mod that cost 20USD then go to the other side and find out that the same mod is completely for free. Well I lost my 20 bucks guys but the coder that develop it probably lost even more.

Some of you pointed some good arguments but most of them are just an easy excuse. I guess business as usual is way to go so I apologise for suggesting something that is obviously not acceptable.

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