Invision Community 4: SEO, prepare for v5 and dormant account notifications Matt November 11, 2024Nov 11
Posted September 13, 200816 yr I know we are getting an all new report manager but I was thinking about this as I saw a new member on this site called "DownloadRingtones" (not linking as I'm sure it might be deleted soon) but it would be nice to report accounts that seem like spam accounts (ones that the admins don't catch or don't see). This also could be good if there is ill content in things like the "About Me" page that is only seen in the profile etc.
September 13, 200816 yr Should add a function to report comments on profiles too. There needs to be an easy way to view all comments left by all members. Can you also make anonymous profile views visible to admins?
September 13, 200816 yr Good idea Morrigan, I never know if to answer or not. :lol: :lol: Even to say hello seems rather daunting with one or two names I see...its only the odd one though.
September 13, 200816 yr +1 for me too! A user may include content in his/her profile that breaches board guidelines. It should be much quicker and easier for a member to report such a profile that they have concerns about.
September 13, 200816 yr Providing Lukes system has an addon/plugin system in his Report Center, which I think it does (needs clarification though), you can just make plugin files and accept reports from anywhere.
September 15, 200816 yr Yes, the report center has a plugin system that allows you to make you own plugins. But for those that are not programmers, there is also a "default" simplified plugin that works for reporting content pages. It can be used for just about anything. Unfortunately I didn't document it very well when it was released as a modification. I trust that IPS will describe it's use a little better :). I'll describe it here though. A report form url looks something like this for posts: The required elements in a query string are "autocom" and "rcom" are required. "autocom" obviously is for connecting to the report center component, and the "rcom" parameter is for specifying the plugin id. Everything else like "tid" and "pid" (topic id, and post id) is specific to the plugin. In a traditional plugin the plugin is responsible for checking to see if the right parameters are passed to the form, and if they are valid. With the simplified plugin, you can specify these options with the plugin page. This is done in the "Required Input" box. Here is the description for that field: [b]Required Input[/b] Here you can specify what inputs are required in order for a report to be made. As you can see by the example each input is broken up by line. Each line contains an input id, a single space, and then a regex pattern. If the regex pattern is matched an error is displayed. Example: content_id [^0-9] title [^A-Za-z0-9] So in the example "content_id" and "title" would be required parameters in the query string of that url. For the example of doing this for a profile, you could enter the following: profile_id [^0-9] This would make "profile_id" required, and require that it be a numeric value. Other sections in the plugin are "Section Title", "Section Url", "Url String", and "Title String". [b]Section Title[/b] This helps you distinguish generally what part of your site a report came from. [b]Section URL[/b] This helps you distinguish generally what part of your site a report came from. [b]Required Input[/b] ... [b]URL String[/b] The formatted URL that is used to point to the reported content. If the URL does not contain 'http://' the board's base url will be inserted. You may also include input data: {input_id} [b]Title String[/b] The formatted title that is shown on the reporting page and when reports are listed. You may include input data: {input_id}. If you would like the report center to pull the page title, use #PAGE_TITLE# In the report center there is link under a "Section" column. For posts this is the forum the post was reported in, which links to the form. The "Section Title" and "Section URL" is where you specify this. The "Section URL" bit is optional, and if you don't put anything in the box it simply shows the title without a link. With a profile example, you would put "Personal Profile" with no URL. This tells you that this is a profile report. The "URL String" and "Title String" are for the actual reported content. When content is reported, the moderator has to actually get back there. You can put a full formated URL in there, or just the query string for board URL's (which is recommended incase you have to change domains or the form path later on). You can also include the passed elements from "Required Input" into the URL. So for profiles you would enter this into "URL String": showuser={profile_id} The "Title String" is important. With posts this is the topic title. Here you would enter in either static content, or the page title. The report center uses a "#PAGE_TITLE#" keyword to pull the page title into the report (if the keyword is present, it will actually query the page and pull this out of the title tags). In a case like this, you can just use this key word. It would show "User Name - Viewing Profile". Then all you have to do is put this link on the profile: (changing rcom to the plugin id, and profile_id to the current profile's id). And that's how you can use the simplified plugin to make sections on your board/site reportable without any programming. The hardest part is knowing a little bit of regular expressions for "Required Input", but the examples provide a pretty simplified base. You can use the same plugin multiple times using different parameters. A question you might have is: How does the report center know how to group like-reports together? Well the answer is it uses the required input. Each plugin is responsible for creating a md5 hash as a "like key". With the posts plugin it uses the topic and forum id. With the simplified plugin it uses all the required input. If the input is the same, it would create the same hash, and thus group the report together.
September 17, 200816 yr with the new seo modifications i'm guess the url would be nothing more than something like as for the actual url with the integration i doubt both a tid and pid will be used as the posts table stores the tid anyway. I'm guessing as its being done by ips now it will be integrated to take advantage of existing tables. e.g. reports table links to posts table by id. post table links to topic table by id. Making the url shorter and simple.
September 17, 200816 yr The actual functionality of the URL's will never change on the back end. I imagine on the front end with the skin, yes the URL's will be FURL's, and be rewritten back to standard URL's for the back end. You do, however, need to include a tid or pid into the url to avoid running another query. If it was just /topic/topc_title you'd have to search for that topic title, which could be used multiple times (isn't unique). Instead, it would be something like /topic_345/topic_title. or /topic/345/topic_title.
September 17, 200816 yr ah i think you misunderstood i did mean still use the tid/pid its just the FURL omits the id's and replaces it with the title. My point was your example showed both tid and pid, I was just saying that both wouldn't be needed to view a report. I've not used the mod so not sure what data it displays so i could be wrong.
September 17, 200816 yr ah i think you misunderstood i did mean still use the tid/pid its just the FURL omits the id's and replaces it with the title. My point was your example showed both tid and pid, I was just saying that both wouldn't be needed to view a report. I've not used the mod so not sure what data it displays so i could be wrong. Even with the furls, the tid is still included in the URL. Not all urls are rewritten at this point, so can't say how the report center urls will end up. Ultimately, though, it's a relatively minor thing.
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