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Guest -Calypso-

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'IN_DEV', 1 is all well and doing good things, the one thing that I know it does not do right now is allow exportation of custom template bits. Would like to have a way to export any template bit. Working on mod, the thing that takes the longest to build in the .xml other than tables/fields/inserts etc. is template bit. May have a mod with any number of template bits but making the .xml currently has to be done 1 by 1.

Thanks for looking.

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Erghh.. you can already do this? We do it for Tracker and Shoutbox, we don't manually write those XML files for templates!

The whole idea is that if you have IN_DEV on, you edit the skin PHP files through cacheid_1, and don't actually use the Admin CP at all for templates. Then after your done, you go to Skin Tools, and click 'rebuild master skin files from:', and make sure the PHP box is checked with cacheid_1 in it.

Thats how your meant to do it :)

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Depends on preference really, I know when IPS develop products, they always edit the PHP files directly, instead of using the skin manager, which is probably why its done the way it is.

But just to let you know, editing cacheid_1 is the same as editing in the skin manager, it doesn't convert the code like the other files do, its still the pure HTML (<if> etc. are allowed in there)

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When you turn on IN_DEV, do you not have the option to manage your master skin templates from the Skin Manager page, by clicking the Options button beside the "IPB Master Skin Set" row? And do you not have the "Developers: Export Module Skin Files" section at the bottom of that page?

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When you turn on IN_DEV, do you not have the option to manage your master skin templates from the Skin Manager page, by clicking the Options button beside the "IPB Master Skin Set" row? And do you not have the "Developers: Export Module Skin Files" section at the bottom of that page?

Not a clue (not gonna bother looking either), sorry for creating this topic. Won't happen again.
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Michael, if you have IN_DEV on, you don't actually need to use the Admin CP, you CAN use the admin cp to manage master templates, but you still have to add templates through the database. Cacheid_1 literally is just writing functions, than telling the skin manager to update it, does it all for you.

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i think -Calypso- mean that ips staff can make it much easier by
his point
and add dev zone area that make coding and creating mod easier
and safe a lot of headache they make it easy to install by adding
plugin system and many core improv to the V3 of ib but hard for the coder
to create there mod

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i think -Calypso- mean that ips staff can make it much easier by

his point

and add dev zone area that make coding and creating mod easier

and safe a lot of headache they make it easy to install by adding

plugin system and many core improv to the V3 of ib but hard for the coder

to create there mod

I don't think Calypso was talking about any of this personally. ;)

Calypso - with IN_DEV enabled you can export *entire* skin files, but not individual template bits. You can export template bits individually, but they're written out as SQL queries rather than XML files.
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I think i found it, I can export skin_example from skin_id #. That seems to work although it has eluded me for almost 2 years now (if it's been there that long). I was looking more along the lines or separate custom bit. After a bit of research I found that if I changed the 'set_id=1' to 'set_id=#' then I can export individual temp bits from and skin, even fresh made template bits. Was considering adding a tool to remotely change this in my Tools & Settings and use 'set_id='.$this->ipsclass->vars for it.

Thanks :)

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