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Purchase problems

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Today finally i got my visa virtuon credit card(after 2 weeks of waiting), and right away i have putted some money on my account... So i returned home, all happy that i will finnaly buy best community software... I go to invisionpower site, click purchase, put all my info, and click "Finnish transaction" and it said "Transaction declined"????????? <_< :blink: Now in Client area in "Your Purchases" i have inactive purchase.... :unsure: I have sent an email 4-5 hours ago about that but still no respond... Maybe someone here can clear things for me? I know that every purchase must go through froud inspection 'couse i already tryed to buy IPB a month ago but with my friends credit card, but then they said something like it didnt pass froud inspection and that i have to send them copy of credit card or something, which was too much for my friend so i'v decided to open my own account and credit card, and to try to buy IPB... And so here i am... So close but yet so far away... :)

So is it normal that when someone purchase IPB it say purchase declined???

You might have to activate your card with the company or something as it sounds like this is the first thing you've tried to buy with the card... have you tried buying anything else?

The only thing you can do is contact both IPS and Visa and then wait for a response, really.

Nope... I have taken credit card manily to purchase IPB... Like i said, today i went to my bank and have taken credit card, putted $150 on my account and came home and went to invisionpower to buy IPB :) I even asked dude at the bank something like "can i use the card right away?" on which he responed positivly... Still waiting for respond via ticket from sales department... I will call my bank tommorow to see if the card is active or not, or what the problem is...

I think you was need to put about 160$ on your credit card. I remember when i was buy my first IPB license(i was use credit card) the bank was take some additional fees for the transaction, so i think they say transaction declined because they aren't enough moneys on your credit card. :)

Ahhh ffs... It seems that i am never gona use IPB :lol: Ok i'll go tommorow to my bank, and put aditional $50 on my account, and try then...

Until then can someone confirm this???

If you can, I'd recommend calling to be sure. No one here will likely be able to answer (and anyone in the sales department who might be able to look it up probably wouldn't answer in a public forum regarding your purchase anyhow). We have an 800 # if you are in the US (800-901-5491). If not, someone should reply to your ticket promptly. :)

Calling is not an option, 'couse i am from Serbia... ;) Now that i am responding here, i thought to just check if someone repsonded to my ticket(maybe i didnt get email) so i went to client area, and there is no ticket... :huh: So now i send another ticket to sales department, and again i check in "Your Tickets" but again there is none...

Guess i'll have to manually send them an email to sales@invisionpower.com 'couse it seems that by this Ticket system i cant contact them... :huh:

When you go to submit a ticket, the screen that comes up after you click submit shows some client area articles that may answer your inquiry, however if none of them do you have to hit submit a second time.

But yes, emailing sales@invisionpower.com will automatically log a ticket for you. :)

Just did that, explained the problem, linked to this topic, so hopefully soon i'll know what to do... :)


Ok recieved respond in record time:


Unfortunately, we can not assist with transactions that are declined. When a transaction is declined, it is declined by the bank or authorize.net. If you have any further questions or concerns, please let us know.

Thank You For Choosing Invision Power

Matt Morris

Invision Power Services

It seems that it might be bank that's cousing problem, i mean maybe they do take some fee or something...


Definitly have to wait until tommorow and check with my bank:


I would not be able to answer this question, this is something that you would need to contact the bank about. We do not have control over the Visa account and they would be the ones to answer how much you would need to have on hand to make the purchase.

Thank You For Choosing Invision Power

Matt Morris

Invision Power Services

Yeah, could be a fee possibly. Your bank should be able to tell you for sure. :)

I'm not sure about Serbia, but in many countries you can register a PayPal account and tie it to your bank account. It would take a couple days (usually around 3 days) to get it verified properly, but afterwards you could buy with PayPal and they'd just pull the funds from the bank account for you. Just another possibility.

Well, you my kind sir do not know weather people from Serbia can register PayPal account, but i do, and all i have to say about that is this emoticon:


:unsure: Didn't mean to offend.....was just a suggestion.

:lol: I am not mad at you... :P I'm mad 'couse i cant have PayPal... :P Anyhow, in few minutes i'll go to my bank and deposit aditional money, and see if everything works... :D

Ok i went to my bank, deposited aditional €20 which is around $30... Now i went "Your Purchases" and clicked "Pay Now" couse i had that one inactive purchase from yesterday. I type in all my data, and this screen shows up:


and now where ever i click i get this error:


And also i recieved sms from my bank that said i have paid €103,47 for INVISION POWER SERVI FOREST US...

Is this normal? :)

EDIT: i recieved email with subject "Invision Power Services Customer Receipt/Purchase Confirmation" and one with "Invoice"... First one i have recieved at 5:52 pm aka when i purchased aka clicked on "Pay Now" but this other i recieved at 4:34 pm... :huh:

I remember last time i tryed buying, i mean my friend tryed to buy, he recieved sms regarding how he paid IPB, and right after that he recieved another one saying he got his money back... :lol: Anyway, so far so good.... :lol:

Send a email to sales@invisionpower.com telling them that you have paid and give them the invoice number:))

Uff again faild froud...


Unfortunately, your order was voided by our billing system as this order did not pass our fraud review. Your card was not charged. In order to activate your account, we will need a copy of the credit card that was used (front and back), with your signature, and a photo ID. You can either fax this to 1-434-316-7206, or you can e-mail it to billingstaff@invisionpower.com. As soon as we receive this, we can activate your account. If we can be of any further assistance, please do not hesitate to ask. Have a great day!

Nakisha Thomas

Invision Power Services

Director of Customer Satisfaction

I have spoken to some friends from America, and they have told me not to send copy of my credit card... :huh: I have no idea what to do... Help!!! :)

Well if you want IPB you are better off sending them the credit card info )'

IPB are fine , I would trust them, my credit card is permanently on file with them :)

You don't want to give your credit card to just anybody, but if you are authorizing a company/business to charge your card it's ok to let them see it. i.e. if you were to go to a store and purchase something, you would hand the card to the cashier.

Well i thought just to check here, i really have no exp with buying stuff over internet, and especially when something goes wrong, like this time... :) Anyhow, i will send them all that info soon... Is it a problem if i shoot credit card with my camera and send that pic to them? I mean i dont want to give my credit card to some guy at copy centar and let him do a copy... Maybe he will write down my numbers... :lol:

I think the billing department just wants a copy of it on file for protection. Obviously you wouldn't likely be going through all of this with a stolen credit card, but in the event someone tried to purchase the software and it was stolen, gathering the additional information helps ensure the order is legit.

A lot of times bad people can buy credit card information on the internet - in which case they wouldn't have the physical card and hence wouldn't be able to send a picture or scan of the card. Will see if someone in the billing department can comment for you for sure though.

Ok, Nakisha confirmed it's ok to send a picture instead of a copy. :)

I do agree it's better to be safe than sorry. You never know who might be watching you.

Ok i have sent email to billingstaff@invisionpower.com! I just hope everything will work out and that i will soon have my own IPB :lol:

One question, i saw that Licensed to: in footer, sometimes its licensed to a individual and sometimes it saids url of the site, sometime its company... Can i put url of my site there in stead of my name?

One question, i saw that Licensed to: in footer, sometimes its licensed to a individual and sometimes it saids url of the site, sometime its company... Can i put url of my site there in stead of my name?

Sure, you can put everything you want. :)

Well i thought just to check here, i really have no exp with buying stuff over internet, and especially when something goes wrong, like this time... :) Anyhow, i will send them all that info soon... Is it a problem if i shoot credit card with my camera and send that pic to them? I mean i dont want to give my credit card to some guy at copy centar and let him do a copy... Maybe he will write down my numbers... :lol:

yes take picture front and back and email to ips with any other info requested and you will be fine.


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