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Host Provider Problems

Guest sPiDeRz

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Hey there,

Aright my forum is currently hosted with a company called vistapages. In the beginning they were aright never really had problems with them.
However over the last 8 months they started using something called PHPsuexec.

Now i don't know php i don't wanna learn it i just want my forum to run fine.

But ever since they started using this PHPsuexec every now and again when i try to visit my forums it will ask me to download the index.php file....
When contacted about it my WHP (web host provider) told me that it was a fault on my end and to clear my browser cache and flush my dns.
Well i did that without success, i've learned to live with it for the past 8 or so months.

Recently it started to happen all the time, not on my forum but on my main site where i used small php snippits to include news from my forum using the ssi.php file. So i contacted them again, at first they told me repeat the clear cache flush dns routine. I did... Told em no it didnt work, i gave them the files affected and they looked at error logs and what not then told me to check, i did.

When i went to check they had removed the included snippets so it was just raw xhtml in a .php file, I asked them what was going on and they replied with:

You are right about that, it is the way the server is setup, and this because that represents a big security hole.

Well i thought ok fair enough if this lets my site work without problems fine.
However my forums have started doing it again. Not all the time but enough to bug me, im guessing IP.Board has alot of include code in it what do you guys think is the best option?

I would prefer to move to another host but i would lose my domain for another 8 months as they will not give me access to my domain to change the DNS host.....

I'm open for suggestions,
Thanks you.

NOTE: Info on the PHPsuexec can be found below:


I am not advertising i wouldnt want decent people to suffer the hardships vistapages brings along.

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so did you following the instructions what they have told in that link.

changing chmod from , upload, style_images , style_avatar, Style_emo , Cache + subfolders to 755.

and if you have acces in to ini file, set it to on.

i dont see any problems here for these update of security that the server do. if you following these instruction.

if you have error, open cache , open the eror file and past it here.
so we can see wich files are infected.


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Well looks like i can't use php include for my site.

the original code i would use was:




Now as i mentioned above im not a php wizard and only knew how to add snippets in my html code. But due to the server condiguration they removed that code my my files. Now they said i can use SSI to include forum information.

<!--#include virtual="/forums/ssi.php?a=news&show=2" -->

Now thats ok as long as it works, but i would like to know if theres a way around the server config with PHPsuexec and go back to using php?

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