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IPB PRO Skin CSS Guide

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will a IPB PRO skin css guide be released? coes many people have problem with editing the css, because is diffrent from the default one...

Same. I cant find half the things in there, like ipb-top-left-link etc.

Some global elements are included inside a seperate css file in the skin's style_images folder. Have you checked there to see if the classes you are looking for are there?

yes it is there, the file is named: css_colors.css but maybe IPS can make a documentation for CSS guide like it is made for 2.2, this will help many, many customers...

ipb-top-left-link and ipb-top-right-link are now submenu_left and submenu_right. That's about all I know though - I stick to the default blue skin for development. :P

I'll do my best to create a quick guide to the changes in the Pro skin. I can't promise it for another week or two because we have a busy period coming up, but I'll see what I can do after that :)

For now though: all of the key colours (i.e. the blue areas in the default pro skin - maintitle, subtitle, bar/barc, darkrow1 etc.) are now in css_colors.css which is in the image directory. That file is organised so that it should be really quick to go through and change the hex codes.

Other colours, which are mostly grey in the default pro skin, are still in css_*.css under their usual names. I've left those there because I class them as 'secondary' colours, or those where grey works fine in most situations, but you can obviously still change them if you like.

AH Modding - the header has been simplified in the pro skin, so there's no need for the ipb-top-left-link styles now. Search for #submenu in the css_*.css file - that class and the link classes right below it are what you need to change :)

ok, thx for reply rikki

where can i change the background color of the banner?

Thanks Rikki!

A bit ironic... Here people are having trouble editing the CSS, when the whole idea of the Pro skin was to make it easier to edit...

A bit ironic... Here people are having trouble editing the CSS, when the whole idea of the Pro skin was to make it easier to edit...

Well, that's to be expected since lots of it has been reorganised and simplified, especially if you've been used to the old skin for 4 years. But I'm certain once you know how the CSS is organised in the pro skin, you'll find it quicker :)

You may make the 2.3 PDF file searchable not like the current one 2.2. Which means that If I don't know what does "ipb-top-left-link" stands for, I would search for it in the PDF file. That will be very easy for everyone.

;) just a suggestion


Soon release of version IPB pro Css Guide :


one day or two days maximum ;)

for the people hating guides, here you go:
Try "CSSEdit 2.5" and it's live web preview feature. It's amazing.

(for Mac users only)

c'est ton avis pas ceux des autres ;)

Well I just broke out the translator, true that. :P

FDFR, we are waiting for the guide, hope it is in EN

Well I just broke out the translator, true that. tongue.gif


I'll do my best to create a quick guide to the changes in the Pro skin. I can't promise it for another week or two because

we have a busy period coming up

, but I'll see what I can do after that :)

Ah ha, do I see a connection........

The new Harry Potter book comes out tomorrow and you all have a busy period coming up! :devil:

Sorry, just could not resist :whistle: :thumbsup:

i will see ;)

I'm working on a version of the CSS Guide for the Pro Skin at the moment - so should be available pretty soon! :)

any oficial release of the guide?

Um, I made a mistake with the CSS and reverted it, and now I'm getting the old version of the CSS (the one before Pro and 2.3), although I still have the images that came with it. How do I get the Pro version back?

any oficial release of the guide?

It's ready - just waiting for it to be added to the site. Should be soon :)


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