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New CPanel

Guest Watty

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Glad to hear you like it! It's been upgraded on a few servers as we test a few new things we're doing in the backend.. we're hoping to have it upgraded across all the servers by the end of the week. :)


Nice :)
My cPanel has a Windows XP theme to it, million times different to the original cPanel layout (let alone graphics) but is growing on me.


Yep, the base is a part of the cPanel 11 x3 Theme Pack, we've just chosen one to have as a central theme and branded it with our logo. A few additional things will probably be added to it in the future to make it more geared directly toward our hosting service, but for now it's quite pretty so we'll leave it at that ;)


I saw it the other day too while installing IpbWiki for a client, first wondered whether I typed the right address for cpanel :)
But it looks very nice, shows how a simple logo change can improve the appeal :)


IPS does not allow you to change your Cpanel theme? I changed my default theme to the black nightish one and it looks cool their are a bunch others too, all of them look great, I just got tired and bored of the light one.

WHM also had some little tweaks, but I still have to explore that more. The new file manager is awesome, downloading an entire zip of your /forums or any folder is great and easier for backups. ;)


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