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Invisionnexus.com should be fixed

Guest Brandon C

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Where http://www.invisionnexus.com/ used to have a placeholder image and when you clicked on it, it would forward you to the IP.Nexus site for further information on the product, it now just shows a missing image, and whenever you click on the missing image to have it redirect you, it goes to the 404 error page (since the new IPS site update, I guess it hasn't been updated to reflect the changes accordingly). Just thought I'd point that out.

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used to have a placeholder image and when you clicked on it, it would forward you to the IP.Nexus site for further information on the product, it now just shows a missing image, and whenever you click on the missing image to have it redirect you, it goes to the 404 error page (since the new IPS site update, I guess it hasn't been updated to reflect the changes accordingly). Just thought I'd point that out.

The invisionnexus.com is only for redirecting people to the "Product". However ,i believe they will fix that.
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I did PM Lindy about the broken link & image; I assumed that it would be "fixed" when IP.Nexus was released....

I don't think that Lindy will respond to your Message. you may post the link in "support@invisionpower.com" to tell them about the problem.

I sent the letter. and I got a new mail and it is in the status of "validation".
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I really don't think they care, if you are sending it to anybody I think Rikki manages all the websites and stuff so you should tell him. They probably know about it already and aren't doing anything or waiting on fixing the page. They should just have a blank page and something that says Coming Soon or one of their fancy images.

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