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Trash Can - Un-delete

Guest Luke

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I think this is a rather important feature... Especially with communities who elect moderators who are in their community and do not know them face to face.

For the forum that is set as the trash can have an "Un-Delete" option. The topics table would have two extra markers in them. One for forum id, and the other for topic id. So when you un-delete a topic, it returns it to the forum it was in, and when you un-delete a post / posts, they are returned to the topic they were in last. When you end up deleting a group of posts out of a topic, it gives it a "From: topic" topic with those posts. So if the second marker is present, have it set the topic id of those posts to the old one and delete the temporaray topic that was for the trash can.

On top of this I think that if a topic is moved into the trash can it stores the marker id (if moved to a simple forum it would not do this), OR it should not allow you to move it to the trash can and ask you to use the delete function. When you move a topic out of the trash can using the move function the topic markers should be cleared.

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