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Guest ihiustler

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While I'm waiting on this topic to load is there an option to disallow hotlinking images but still allow attachments? I find it annoying when a host is down and the topic doesn't load.

Back on the topic, I agree... perhaps it could be set by the size of the image, or thumbnail to allow them in a row to a certain amount?

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Yes inline would be a much better use of space and if possible be based on any users screen resolution if possible. So a person with 800x600 may only see 2 thumbs side by side and 2 more side by side underneath so a block of 4 whereas I have 1280x1024 I may see all 4 thumbs in one row!

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  • 2 weeks later...

I liked the way it looked in 2.1.x...I don't see why the change was made-the black color seems to engulf the images too much. :rolleyes: I also prefer inline....I can usually load 4 or more images horizontally per row(using 800X600 resolution) the way it is currently in 2.1.7 Why change it now and waste more space? :whistle:

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