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Smiley Parseing

Guest Roman B.

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I think that will be an awseome idea. To make smiley's parse on user comments on the profile page. Don't think it'd be that hard either.

Also the ONLY thing that is missing, which I haven't seen anywhere else, is to make quotes and code bbcode's to parse in the editor. now that would definetly seperate you from ANY other forum. Not like you guys need it or anything.

I'm loving the direction IPB is headed towards.

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I agree that BBCode, Emoticons, and by a setting in the AdminCP, an option to allow certain selected groups to be allowed to post HTML, and would definitely love to see BBCode and Emoticons, but that HTML isn't that big of a deal for me, although the other two are.

And I agree, I also think that would be awesome if the quote and code boxes parsed in the RTE. :D

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